In an attempt to lower the cost of higher education in Virginia, Governor Youngkin’s administration is urging college presidents in the state to hold off on an expected bump in the cost of tuition. According to a report from, Secretary of Education Aimee Guidera has called college presidents throughout the state, asking them to […]
Cruz Stumps for Vega the Day Before VA-07 Primary
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) was scheduled to appear twice on Monday with Prince William County Supervisor Yesli Vega, who is running for the GOP nomination for VA-07 in Tuesday’s primary. Vega is facing five other candidates including State Senator Bryce Reeves (R-Spotsylvania), who raised the most cash and has the edge in name recognition; Special Forces veteran […]
Youngkin and Kaine Speak on Juneteenth at Separate Events
Two Virginia governors gave Juneteenth speeches over the weekend: Governor Glenn Youngkin spoke at Fort Monroe on Sunday, and former governor, current U.S. Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) gave the keynote speech at a Loudoun NAACP Juneteenth event Monday. Both men highlighted the role of Virginia as the site where African slaves first arrived in 1619. Youngkin focused more on […]
Youngkin Announces More Than 18,000 Virginians Gained Employment in the Month of May
Youngkin’s Virginia continues to boom, as he has announced that the number of employed Virginians expanded to more than 4.2 million workers in May 2022. According to his announcement, Virginia has added nearly 80,000 since February. Virginia’s unemployment rate held steady at 3 percent in May. This continues to be below the national rate, which […]
Former RPV Chair Representing Loudoun Teacher in Suit Against School Board
Former Republican Party of Virginia Chairman John Whitbeck Jr. is representing Loudoun teacher Erin Brooks in a lawsuit against the school board and Principal Diane Mackey. Brooks, a special needs teacher, alleges that a student repeatedly touched her in inappropriate ways, that the school failed to respond adequately, and that Mackey retaliated after Brooks spoke […]
Even CNN Agrees Democrats’ January 6th Congressional Hearings Are A Kangaroo Court
I have long said that Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 Committee is a one-sided kangaroo court designed to keep former President Trump from running again in 2024, with two ‘never-Trumper’ Republicans to provide it a fig leaf of bipartisan cover. But when even CNN thinks it is, you know Democrats are in trouble. When the Chair […]
Virginia Finally Elects 2 Supreme Court Justices
After several months of deliberation, two new justices have been elected to serve on the state Supreme Court, a lower court judge has been elevated to the state Court of Appeals, and two new other judges have been elected. The Supreme Court, Virginia’s highest, is comprised of seven justices who serve 12-year terms. The two […]
Loudoun County School Board Hit With Another Lawsuit Following Sexual Assault Claims
A special education school teacher who spoke out, and was subsequently fired allegedly for out about her story has filed a lawsuit against the Loudoun County school board for failing to protect her. The lawsuit has been filed by Erin Brooks, who as previously reported, is one of two Loudoun County public school teachers who […]
Fox Business Host Exposes True Impact Of Biden’s Economic Policies
Fox Business host Larry Kudlow didn’t hold back on a recent segment of his show and told his audience the full extent of the Biden Administration’s failing economic policies. In part of the segment, Kudlow gives an insight into the latest Fox News poll numbers which show waning confidence in the President’s ability to lead an economic recovery. He also […]
Court Allows Envigo to Complete Contracts for Dogs Amid Ongoing Federal Lawsuit
U.S. District Court Judge Norman K. Moon granted beagle-breeder-for-testing Envigo a partial win on Friday, allowing the facility to complete contracts for more than 500 dogs while a Department of Justice lawsuit against the Cumberland facility proceeds. “Those dogs have been abused, and the right thing to do would be to let them be adopted […]