Trump Deserves High Praise For Keeping America Safe

A Congressional Gold Medal. The left and its allies in the mainstream media have been bashing former President Donald Trump mercilessly in recent months, most noticeably focusing on the sham Democrat-fabricated show trials Trump is currently facing. Their aim is to make Trump a convicted criminal or at least appear to be one. But some Republican lawmakers are […]

GOP House Must Impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas for Dereliction of Duty

ANALYSIS – During Joe Biden’s two-year term in office, the number of illegal migrants swarming into the U.S. has swelled to its highest number in decades. Many of these illegals have serious criminal records and Team Biden can’t confirm how many or who they are. So, what does the administration do? Rearrange the deck chairs on […]

CRESPO: Thousands of Unborn Lives Saved In Dobbs Aftermath

While the establishment media, partisan Democrats, and the left in general, have been raving madly about abortion rights since the Dobbs Supreme Court decision reversed Roe v. Wade, too many weak conservatives have remained quiet or avoided the issue. As I have written before, that is a big mistake. Pro-life conservatives should be celebrating the […]

Amid Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit, Chinese Disinformation Effort Goes Into High Gear

It’s not just Russia. The visit by the U.S. House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi to Taipei greatly angered China and added fuel to the rapidly growing Chinese Communist (Chicom) disinformation efforts against Taiwan and the United States. According to U.S. cybersecurity company Mandiant, a new Chinese group used fake news sites and fake social media accounts to try to undermine U.S.-Taiwanese relations prior to and […]

Does Biden Care More About Guilty Anti-American Athlete in Russia Than Falsely Accused Marine?

Less than six months after WNBA star Brittney Griner was detained in Russia, President Biden has offered to exchange a notorious Russian arms dealer and terrorist supporter for her and Paul Whelan, both imprisoned in Moscow. This after tremendous pressure from LGBTQ groups demanding Biden free Griner. As the Washington Free Beacon notes, this swap offer: …is sending all the wrong signals, elevating Griner’s […]

FBI and DOJ Created Scheme to Undermine and Downplay Hunter Biden Crimes Say Whistleblowers

In its quest to shield President Joe Biden from the crimes and misdeeds of his son, Hunter, and his own potential complicity, the FBI has actively and corruptly downplayed any damaging information about Hunter. This is according to a letter sent Monday to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, who is also […]

Top Republican on House Oversight Committee Says Hunter Biden Will Be Indicted by January

Despite the Justice Department (DOJ) being currently run by Joe Biden cronies, Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) the ranking GOP member of the House Oversight Committee, predicts Hunter Biden will be indicted by January after the Republicans take control of the House in November. “Hunter Biden left a trail that any prosecutor would be hard-pressed to turn a blind eye to,” said Comer during an interview […]

Space Force’s New Intel Unit to Track Space Threats – ‘Space Delta 18’

One of former President Donald Trump’s bigger accomplishments, the U.S. Space Force, is moving forward in its mission to protect the country from threats to its space-borne assets, as well as space-borne threats to the country. Its latest effort is called ‘Space Delta 18.’ Part of Space Operations Command, it will be the Space Force’s spy agency […]