LINGAMFELTER: The July 13th Reelection

During the Boer War, Winston Churchill encountered danger as a wartime correspondent.  He wrote this for the Daily Telegraph in 1898. “Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result.” For a young ambitious man, such an experience was exhilarating.  Yet this week, Americans were not exhilarated when an assassin’s bullet […]


When our Founding Fathers devised our Constitution in 1787, they sought to balance power between the Executive, the Congress, and the Judiciary. Each would have their duties.  Each was a separate but equal partner in a federalist system between the States and the Federal Government. Yet in the years since our Republic was designed under […]

LINGAMFELTER: A Choral Society of Sour Notes

What is at stake in 2024 aside from our sanity?  If you are like me, you are just about fed up with all of the meaningless and exaggerated rhetoric that is bandied about with no regard for accuracy. Let’s consider a few phrases: Real (Fill-in-the-Blank) for Real People We often hear politicians declare with great […]

LINGAMFELTER: The New Brownshirts

Sometimes I wonder if we have lost our nation to infantile and spoiled brats who think they are sufficiently knowledgeable of world events when in fact they are narrow-minded—and lately—profoundly anti-Semitic.  I speak of the Hamas apologists who have brought violence to our intellectually castrated university campuses across the country.  They remind me of the […]

DAVIS: Adult Literacy is a Growing Problem

Can you name the last book that you read? For about a quarter of Americans, if they can remember a title, it’s been more than a year since they’ve read it. According to a 2021 Pew Research survey, roughly a quarter of American adults—including 38 percent of Hispanic adults, 25 percent of Black adults and 20 percent of […]

LINGAMFELTER: Getting it Right

After years of fighting counterinsurgency wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the US Army has a tough mission ahead of it.  During those counterinsurgency years—some of which continues today as we keep a lid on any resurgence of ISIS—the US Army engaged in a combination of urban warfare and search and destroy missions.  The tactical skills […]

LINGAMFELTER: Budget Standoff

Earlier this week, Virginia could not agree on a budget for the next two years.  So, the Governor and both sides agreed to symbolically meet in the epicenter of the Capitol in the shadow of Geroge Washington’s statue and plot a way forward.  That path will take the General Assembly into a Special Session in […]