Domino’s Pizza-Saving Paving Operation May Put VDOT Out Of Business


What does it take to fix potholes? Yes, you’re correct…pizzas

Domino’s Pizza has been filling in potholes in towns across America as their new “Paving for Pizza” initiative is in full force. Yes, you heard that right – pizza and pavement is the antidote to all our problems.

On Monday, the pizza delivery chain announced that they will help “smooth the ride home” for food deliveries by putting the pavement back together in towns nominated by faithful customers.

Surely, VDOT is trembling in their high-visibility jackets about this.

Russell Weiner, president of Domino’s USA asks: “Have you ever hit a pothole and instantly cringed?” In a report from Yahoo News he said, “We know that feeling is heightened when you’re bringing home a carryout order from your local Domino’s store. We don’t want to lose any great-tasting pizza to a pothole, ruining a wonderful meal.”

Domino’s is asking its customers to nominate towns where they will help fill mend cracks, smooth out bumps, and fill in potholes to ensure a piping hot pepperoni pizza isn’t harmed en route to a waiting family’s dinner table. Weiner said the new initiative is aimed at “saving pizza.”

Four towns have already benefited from pizza-saving paving. They are: Bartonville, Texas – Milford, Delaware – Athens, Georgia – and Burbank, California.

Municipal officials in Milford say that Domino’s fixed 40 potholes on 10 roads in 10 hours with four crew members.

Listening, VDOT?

“Facing an already harsher winter than usual for Delaware, this is an opportunity to get additional money to stretch our city’s limited resources,” said Milford City Manager Eric Norenberg.

A $7.99 pie can go a long way to fixing up America’s crumbling roads as people can go to the Paving for Pizza website to nominate their city. If selected, the city will, “receive funds to help repair roads so pizzas make it home safely.”

For those who consistently complain about VDOT taking a languishing, lackadaisical approach to roadway repairs, never fear, Domino’s pizza is here.

This is ‘merica…

About Author

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard.