NRA Endorses All Three Statewide Republicans in Virginia 2017

Not a small endorsement today from the nation’s largest Second Amendment defender.  From the press release:

“The 2017 election will be pivotal in preserving Virginians’ Second Amendment rights,” said Chris W. Cox, chairman of the NRA-PVF. “We must elect a pro-Second Amendment governor who will end the McAuliffe-Herring era of hostility toward law-abiding gun owners. Gillespie is a strong supporter of our constitutional rights who will stand up to Michael Bloomberg and his out-of-state gun control groups. Gillespie is a leader in the growing national movement to expand our Second Amendment freedoms.”

Gillespie is the clear choice in the race for Virginia governor. He has earned an “A” rating from the NRA-PVF for his strong support of the Second Amendment. Gillespie’s opponent, Ralph Northam, has an “F” rating for his hostility toward law-abiding citizens’ constitutional right to self-defense. At a time when lawmakers across the country are enacting laws to restore our Second Amendment freedoms, Northam is jarringly out-of-touch. He supports gun rationing that would restrict Second Amendment freedoms and supports banning commonly owned firearms and magazines. In addition, he supports criminalizing the private sale of firearms between lifelong friends and family members. Northam’s anti-gun zeal has earned him the endorsement of a New York City-based gun control group founded and funded by anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg.

The lieutenant governor and attorney general races are also critical to protecting Virginians’ Second Amendment rights and hunting heritage.  Lieutenant governor candidate Jill Vogel has earned an “A+” rating from the NRA for her exceptional work in promoting the Second Amendment. As a state lawmaker, Vogel sponsored legislation that would allow victims of domestic violence to defend themselves, and cosponsored legislation requiring Virginia to recognize concealed carry permits from every other state.

Attorney general candidate John Adams has earned an “AQ” rating from the NRA for strongly supporting the Second Amendment and our right to self-defense. His opponent, Mark Herring, is one of the most anti-gun lawmakers in Virginia history. Herring made an egregious anti-gun attack on our rights by eliminating the state’s concealed carry reciprocity agreements with 25 states.  In sharp contrast, Adams has made clear that he will work to expand reciprocity agreements with other states to ensure that the rights of Virginia’s concealed carry permit holders are recognized when they travel outside the state. Herring supports a gun rationing scheme and criminalizing the private sale of firearms between lifelong friends and family members.

“The team of Gillespie, Vogel, and Adams will ensure that law-abiding Virginians have the ability to protect and defend themselves,” added Cox. “We need to elect leaders in the Commonwealth who will support our rights. Voters need to send Bloomberg a strong, clear message — that his gun control agenda is not welcome in Virginia.”

Typically, if the Democrats manage to peel off just one NRA endorsement, then that is considered a win across the board for the entire ticket.

This year’s Democratic nominees being so extreme that the NRA won’t touch them? Spells doom in rural Virginia — an area where Northam desperately needs to make inroads as he is being stared down by anti-pipeline progressives back home.