Riggleman Unleashes New TV Ads Defending Families In VA-05

At the moment, Riggleman is running with all the confidence of an accomplished incumbent.

Republicans stalwart Denver Riggleman is wasting no time taking the fight to the Democrats, up with a new advertisement this week defending the “Trump tax cuts” in the face of insistence by Leslie Cockburn and her allies in Washington that not only will they be reversed but potentially increased.

From the advertisement:

“Leslie wants to repeal the recent tax cut.  Leslie’s plan would cost the average family another $1,600 in tax…”

Riggleman seems to be drawing the line firm in the sand, with Cockburn holding a firm to progressive orthodoxy that might play well in Northern Virginia and Charlottesville, but not so well in places like Buckingham and Danville.  From the Cavalier Daily:

Cockburn vowed throughout the debate to stand up against President Donald Trump’s agenda by pushing democratic policies, while Riggleman promised to work with the president and demonstrate a willingness to show bipartisanship when needed. 

At the moment, it is Riggleman who — after what could only be characterized as a special election event — is running with all the confidence of an accomplished incumbent.  Cockburn’s haphazard campaign in contrast is still reeling from criticism of her anti-Israeli book and failure to connect with the more traditional values of the district.

About Author

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard.