Tucker Carlson Tells the Nation What Really Happened in Virginia

In case you missed it — Tucker Carlson unleashed an eloquently scathing attack against Democrats who blamed Virginia Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin for a monstrous blizzard.

Note: Ralph Northam is still governor. Youngkin won’t assume office until January 15th.

Meanwhile, Northam blamed drivers for getting stranded, even though the debacle blindsided him, as Fox News explains:

“We gave warnings, and people need to pay attention to these warnings, and the less people that are on the highways when these storms hit, the better,” Northam told The Washington Post.

As TRS reported yesterday, United States Senator Tim Kaine (D-Va.) was among those stranded.

Northam and the Virginia Department of Transportation have been accused of failing to prepare the roads for the upcoming onslaught of snow, while some who were stuck in the winter storm traffic hit the governor and the agency for not responding fast enough following the disaster.

“I’ve contacted the governor, he finally came out this morning and said he has shelters opening up. It’s a day late and a dollar short,” father Joseph Catalano, who got stuck in the traffic after taking his family on a post-Christmas trip to Disney World, said.

But Northam did not seem to be keen on accepting accountability. And when the governor pointed fingers at Virginia drivers, his critics shamed him and started counting down the hours until he hands over the keys to the governor’s mansion. Republican Glenn Youngkin, who defeated Democrat Terry McAuliffe in November’s gubernatorial election, will be sworn into office on Jan. 15.