Whitbeck Rips Dawn Adams For Breaking Her Word, Double Dipping

dawn adams

Delegate Dawn Adams (D-Richmond) told her constituents during her campaign for the Virginia House of Delegates that she would quit her state job if she was elected. After she claimed victory, she went back on her word and still maintains her position as an employee of Ralph Northam’s government. She is double-dipping Virginia taxpayer pockets with outright shamelessness.

Where is the accountability? Do progressive liberals even know the definition of ethics?

On Wednesday, the Republican Party of Virginia (RPV) released a statement regarding the financial double-dipping by Dawn Adams. It is quite unfortunate that A Virginia lawmaker would act in clear defiance of her campaign promises. Of course, when have liberals ever done something they promised to their voters during their campaigns?

Dawn Adams is currently serving as the Director of Office of Integrated Health within Developmental Services for the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS). Her high-level government position pays $117,810 a year.

As a delegate representing parts of the City of Richmond and portions of Henrico and Chesterfield counties, she earns an annual salary as a delegate of $17,640 per year. Though, Virginia legislators also get $180 per day while in session and are also given a $15,000 allowance every year for expenses. This comes to approximately $43,440 in funds per year as a lawmaker.

This kind of double-dipping is wrong – clearly wrong.

It seems that Dawn Adams was worried about losing her six-figure salary, but if she did not plan on resigning from her high-paying government job, she should not have run in the first place. Consequently, she cares more about money than ethically representing her constituents. It should not be a surprise to anyone, though. When have Democrats ever cared about being objective?

RPV Chairman John Whitbeck issued the following statement on Wednesday in light of the unethical practice of the delegate:

“During her campaign for Delegate, Dawn Adams repeatedly stated that she would leave her $117,000 state government job if she were elected. It has been several weeks since Adams assumed office and she in her job – in flagrant violation of her most basic campaign promise. RPV now is informing thousands of Dawn Adams constituents of her unethical conduct. Simply put, Dawn Adams needs to either resign her position or resign her seat in the House of Delegates.”

The RPV has also launched a telephone campaign and digital effort to highlight the unethical double-dipping of Dawn Adams. Thousands of people in the 68th District will receive call regarding the blatant hypocrisy from their representative in the Virginia House.

Along with the robo-call in the 68th District, a text is offered below:

“Hello, this is John Whitbeck, calling with an important update about your delegate Democrat Dawn Adams. Before the election, Dawn Adams promised to quit her $117,000 a year state job if she was elected delegate. Dawn won, but now she is going back on her word. She is staying in her high-salary government job and getting paid as a delegate. She is double-dipping, violating basic ethical standards. Call Dawn Adams at 804-698-1068 and tell her to keep her word. No double-dipping. Paid for and authorized by the Republican Party of Virginia.”

As a top-level employee DBHDS within the state government, who is she working for? Governor Northam or her voters?

If Dawn Adams was fully interested and invested in her community and governing the Commonwealth of Virginia, she would know double-dipping in the pockets of taxpayers is wrong. Her unethical actions have proven that she only wishes to forward her career, not govern as an objective legislator. It is time for the people to clean up the mess, it is time for people to call for her resignation.

About Author

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard.