Will Reporters-Turned-Delegates Eliminate Newspaper Tax Unfairness?

Read a big story about two newly-elected delegates who used to be journalists and their crusade to revamp Virginia’s Freedom of Information Act laws.  The story was in the Washington Post (and the Virginian-Pilot, who reprints Northern Virginia news a day late with regularity).

Seems these former journalists want to make things easier on their former colleagues (and given the slanted coverage Democrats get from them, it’s a nice way to return the favor).

Subtitle:  When the media becomes a special interest.

Film at 11

Their proposals aren’t what I take issue with, except the one described as “a bill that would prevent marketing companies from receiving college students’ cellphone numbers” being offered by Del.-elect Chris Hurst.

Marketing companies?  How about this?

“Radford University and Virginia Tech turned over documents containing personal information, including names, addresses and cellphone numbers of about 40,000 current students, to progressive political group NextGen Virginia, which is working to boost voter turnout among college students in the Nov. 7 election…The group is supporting the statewide Democratic ticket and locally Democrat Chris Hurst in his bid for Virginia’s House of Delegates.”  (Roanoke Times)

Wow!  I wonder if Hurst will exempt himself and his political cronies from his bill to outlaw use of college cellphone numbers.

Transparent, alright.  More like “do as i say, not as I do.”

I support openness and fairness.  That’s why I would like to see these former journalist support fairness by supporting newspapers paying their fair share.

That’s a Democrat motto, isn’t it?  Pay your fair share.

Eliminate the exemptions newspapers get from paying BPOL taxes.

Virginia Code Section 58.1-3703 C 3

C. No county, city, or town shall impose a license fee or levy any license tax:

3. Upon the privilege or right of printing or publishing any newspaper,magazine, newsletter or other publication issued daily or regularly at average intervals not exceeding three months, provided the publication’s subscription sales are exempt from state sales tax, or for the privilege or right of operating or conducting any radio or television broadcasting station or service;

Why should Democrat legislators support a special tax break for newspapers in return for coddling coverage?

Shouldn’t newspapers pay their fair share?

I’m waiting to read the first newspaper editorial, written by editorial boards that LOVE to tell others they need to pay more, that calls for their own business to pay the same taxes that other businesses pay.

One thing is for sure.  If the Washington Post writes it, the Virginian-Pilot will cut-and-paste it the next day.

About Author

One of Virginia's premier political consultants, analysts and experts with over 50 professional campaign victories. Brian Kirwin is the "go to" guy for sharp analysis and commentary on political issues and campaigns.