The Republican Standard
- May 18, 2018
324 views 4 min

The Trump Administration has announced that they will propose a measure to slash the case going to taxpayer-funded abortion organizations like Planned Parenthood under Title X.

The Republican Standard
- May 17, 2018
335 views 6 min

Congressional Democrats have released a detailed tax increase agenda that they promise to implement if their party takes back control of Congress following the November midterm elections.

The Republican Standard
- May 16, 2018
317 views 3 min

In 1969, 75 percent of senators and congressmen had served in the military, but by the beginning of the Afghanistan War, that number dropped to less than one in three. To combat the waning number of military veterans running for public office, officials from the Veterans Campaign and University of San Francisco are teaming up to […]

The Republican Standard
- May 14, 2018
356 views 5 min

The new Obamacare nutritional information provision will not only be ruinously expensive, both in dollar amounts to make the change and the man hours to do it, but it is highly unlikely to change consumer behavior for the better.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- May 14, 2018
376 views 8 min

As a freshman Republican member of the House of Representatives, Congressman Scott Taylor has worked hard to make sure his first term in office is one worth remembering – so successful that it won him a spot on the 2018 Inside Business Power List

The Republican Standard
- May 11, 2018
318 views 5 min

Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi signaled at a Tuesday press conference that her opposition party, if they gain control of Congress this November, will be rolling back the Trump tax cuts.

The Republican Standard
- May 1, 2018
317 views 3 min

Following the now-famous “Zuckerberg hearing” in front of Congress two weeks ago, Facebook has announced today that users will soon be able to opt out of one of the tech giant’s key data gathering practices.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- April 18, 2018
337 views 8 min

After the Zuckerberg hearing, Congress is now looking at further privacy legislation to regulate Facebook practices with all roads leading to the FTC.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- April 14, 2018
369 views 2 min

Following the news that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan was not seeking re-election, one GOP lawmaker claims he could be gone as early as late July.

The Republican Standard
- April 12, 2018
330 views 2 min

As tax day approaches, the federal government has collected a record amount of individual taxes, but still runs a $599 Billion deficit.