The Republican Standard
- December 8, 2022
475 views 4 min

A Fredericksburg, Virginia restaurant owner had his business raided last week by law enforcement officials after the Virginia ABC suspended his liquor license … over COVID measures he openly violated over two years ago. Matt Strickland, the owner of Gourmeltz in Cosner’s Corner is an Army Veteran who knew he went overseas to fight tyranny. […]

Victoria Snitsar is a proud immigrant and naturalized U.S. citizen with a decade of experience in grassroots politics and communit ...
The Republican Standard
- April 15, 2022
366 views 45 sec

A return to normalcy seems to be in the works in the largest school system in Virginia, as on April 22, Fairfax County Public Schools is trimming some of its COVID-19 testing strategies, such as dropping optional screenings and drive-thru tests. According to WTOP, the county is citing the low level of community COVID-19 spread […]

The Republican Standard
- March 28, 2022
443 views 2 min

While 2020 and 2021 saw a dramatic shift in the way education was taught, with most schools resorting to remote or hybrid learning in response to the COVID pandemic, the end result appears to be a disaster for Virginia students. Based on reading- and math-assessment data published by Renaissance Learning Inc., Virginia is showing greater […]

The Republican Standard
- November 17, 2020
361 views 5 min

As old newspaper editors are wont to say, credibility is like grass. It grows by the inch, and dies by the yard. In time of crisis, the single most important currency that government officials have is credibility. Presidents and governors come into office with a certain amount of goodwill. When hurricanes roll in or terrorists […]