mark warner

Showing: 1 - 10 of 14 Articles

Virginia Senators Tim Kaine, Mark Warner Join Democrats Turning Blind Eye To Infanticide

The vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act compelled lawmakers to defend the indefensible, put names to those disregarding life, revealed the sanctimonious nature of the Democratic Party, and codified the consistent logical and philosophical irregularities of the dehumanization and political categorization that governs the liberal point of view. 


Mark Warner Will Vote Against Confirming Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Despite Answers To Rectify Concerns

Even though Judge Brett Kavanaugh has provided the Senate Judiciary Committee with clear answers to their concerns surrounding his past rulings, even how he may rule in some cases, issues surrounding abortion rights and executive powers, it is not enough for Virginia Senator Mark Warner, who will vote “no” to confirm the D.C. Circuit Court judge to the U.S. Supreme Court.