Virginia Democrats Stop Republican Agenda Cold
Democratic-controlled Virginia Senate committees have defeated multiple GOP bills that passed the House of Delegates. Chief among them was legislation to repeal Virginia’s “red flag” law, which allows authorities to temporarily remove firearms from gun owners declared a danger to themselves or others. Del. Marie March (R-Floyd County) told the Senate panel considering her measure […]
Elon Musk Boosts Ukraine’s Ability to Defend Itself
As conflict engulfs much of Ukraine, Elon Musk stepped forward this week to answer a call for help from one of the nation’s top officials. For many months, Vladimir Putin’s troops have been amassing in ever-growing numbers, across much of the Ukrainian-Russian border. As talks between the nations broke down and became ever tense, it […]
Bill Removing Controversial Word From State Code Goes to Youngkin
A bill proposing to replace the increasingly controversial word “alien” in the Virginia code when referring to documented and illegal immigrants has passed both chambers of the General Assembly in Richmond. Now, it’s headed to Gov. Youngkin’s desk. Although it remains to be seen what Youngkin will do, the legislation received bipartisan support in the […]
DeSantis Rejects Biden’s State of the Union Request
The White House has asked governors to provide troops from their state’s national guard for Tuesday’s State of the Union address. One governor is flatly refusing the administration’s request. In a Tweet this afternoon, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) made it abundantly clear that he has no intention of complying. Last week, the Biden Administration requested the assistance of State […]
Virginia Lawmakers Weigh in on Sexually Explicit Classroom Materials
The House of Delegates has passed legislation allowing for greater parental oversight of sexually explicit classroom materials. The vote sends the bill, which already passed the Virginia Senate, to Gov. Youngkin’s desk. Youngkin included the legislation as part of his “Day One Game Plan Legislative Agenda” in the hopes of bringing Virginians together. As Virginia […]
Youngkin Takes Matters Into His Own Hands on Ukraine
Some governors aren’t waiting for the federal government to dole out additional punishments against Russia for invading Ukraine in an unprovoked war of aggression. Virginia’s Glenn Youngkin happens to be one of them. Over the weekend, Youngkin urged Virginia businesses and local governments to cut ties with Russian entities. Richmond’s WRIC reports: In a statement […]
Tenets of Critical Race Theory Reported at 23 of Top 25 US Medical Schools
According to, a site that monitors CRT curricula and training in higher education, at least 23 of America’s 25 most prestigious medical colleges and universities have some form of mandatory student training or coursework on ideas related to CRT. William Jacobson, professor at Cornell Law School and founder of Legal Insurrection designed and curated’s sprawling database that previously examined elite […]
Miyares Hires CRT Watchdog to Oversee Community Outreach in Northern Virginia
Unusual phenomenon can occur when Republicans are elected to positions of power. Following the GOP’s statewide office sweep in Virginia, an outspoken anti-CRT activist in Virginia, implausibly, finds herself working for the government of Virginia. Patti Hidalgo Menders, the former president of the Loudoun Republican Women’s Club — not to mention one of the leading […]