Youngkin’s Wins in Democrat-Held Congressional Districts Highlights Trouble for Incumbents

A new Washington Post and ABC News poll shows generic Republican candidates with a 10-point lead over Democrats nationwide. Of course, that includes results from dark blue districts. The outlook for Democrats representing purple states and seats is more dire. Case in point: Republican Glenn Youngkin’s narrow but comprehensive victory over Democrat Terry McAuliffe in […]

Virginia Supreme Court Boots Republican Mapmakers

The Supreme Court of Virginia has responded to state senate Democrats’ request that the Republican nominees chosen to assist the justices redraw the state’s legislative and congressional maps be replaced. The high court agreed with Democratic Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw and has rejected the three so-called “special master” candidates. Virginia Mercury reports: The nominees, […]

Future of Virginia’s Marijuana Market Hazier After GOP Wins

Is Virginia’s recreational marijuana market about to go up in smoke? Since the legalization process isn’t complete, the Republican-controlled House and Democratic-led Senate will have to iron out the details. In the meantime, the victory by marijuana advocates has been muted somewhat. Cardinal News reports on where things go from here: But while some personal […]

Youngkin Reveals Transition Team

Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin has unveiled his transition team, complete with former governors from both parties and longtime confidants. There’s also a few Southwestern Virginians who’ve been selected to help the political newcomer navigate this transformative period so he’s ready on day one. Despite the region’s relatively low population density, Youngkin has tapped Dr. Nancy Dye, […]

Welcome to Virginia’s Very Own Chicago

Portsmouth, Virginia isn’t the most corrupt or dysfunctional city in the country. That (dubious) honor arguably goes to Chicago—although I’ll admit I’m biased as Midwesterner. Regardless, there’s plenty of localities to choose from. Seattle had an autonomous zone set up by anarchists during the summer of 2020. The mayor initially dubbed the chaos as “the […]

State Supreme Court Asked to Discard GOP Redistricting Nominees

Senate Democrats petitioned the Supreme Court of Virginia this week, requesting the justices disqualify the Republican Party’s redistricting master nominees. They accuse the three nominees of “disqualifying conflicts of interest.” A letter from the Virginia Senate Democratic caucus calls on the court to replace the GOP’s appointees with “unbiased” nominees. Only then, they argue, can […]

A More Gentlemanly Sort of Politics

Lynn Mitchell over at my former roost at Bearing Drift offers the following thoughts regarding the tenor and tone of today’s campaign environment: What would make people be so coarse that they would display something that offensive for all to see? It never occurred me to ever fly such a flag against any Democratic president or anyone else […]

Recounts Appear Likely in House of Delegates Elections

Two close House of Delegates races in Hampton Roads may be heading for a recount. The development has prompted House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn (D-Fairfax) to walk back her earlier statement saying that Republicans won control of the general assembly’s lower chamber. WAVY-TV reports: As of Monday night, unofficial results in both the 85th and 91st […]