Northam Vetoes Bipartisan Board of Elections Reform

Governor Ralph Northam has vetoed a bipartisan effort to take some of the partisan rancor out of the Virginia State Board of Elections. Northam, a Democrat, issued the veto on Monday, putting an end to this year’s effort to add some bipartisanship to a state department recently accused of political bias. “This was a good-faith […]

On Northam, Does the Press Think No One is Watching?

Sometimes it seems like Democrats and the press don’t think anyone is paying attention. President Trump held a rally in Green Bay last week, and during his usual free form remarks, he once again took Governor Ralph Northam and other Democrats to the woodshed for their views on abortion. As reported by CNN: “The baby […]

Should Jailed Terrorists Vote? Some Virginia Democrats Say Yes

Primary season brings out some interesting ideas, especially at the national level. Things like “Medicare for All,” “Forgive all student loans,” “Flat taxes for everyone,” and “Let terrorists in jail vote.” Wait, what? Yes, voting rights for incarcerated terrorists. Long-time Vermont socialist and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders embraced that position at a town hall in Massachusetts earlier this week, telling a […]