Editorial boards and columnists all around Virginia have called on Democrats not to boycott the historic events at Jamestown tomorrow, but some Democrats are doubling down.
“It’s that history, that legacy that has come to define what America is to the world,” wrote the Lynchburg News & Advance’s Editorial Page.
“To mar it with a display of partisan politics is not what we need at this moment in our history.”
Sen. Jennifer McClellan will have none of that, though.
“Those who have chosen to attend and remain silent are complicit in the atrocities that [President Trump] incites,” she said. “This week will reveal which legislative leaders are willing to take a stand with the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus.
But Governor Northam and other Democrat boycotters are simply being ‘petulant’ by bringing politics into a historic event, according to both the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Fredericksburg Free Lance Star.
“Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax, one of the few Virginia Democrats who has announced that he will not boycott the event, correctly pointed out that the 400th commemoration in Jamestown ‘is not really about’ Trump. But Northam and his petulant fellow boycotters are making it so.”
President Trump isn’t qualified to speak, Del. Dolores McQuinn argued, because “the President has encouraged violence against those who dare to speak out and call his actions and words what they truly are- dangerous and divisive.”
Simply respecting the office of the President is just an excuse, added Del. Lamont Bagby.
“At what point do we recognize the power an institution holds versus blindly revering the institution?” he wrote in a statement. “Blind respect prevents the very process required to bring about the change we are fighting for, and the change for which our ancestors died fighting for.”
Democrat leaders in the House and Senate signed a statement saying that they would boycott the event.
“Because ‘the current president does not represent the values that we would celebrate at the 400th anniversary of the oldest democratic body in the western world,” the wrote. “We offer just three words of advice to the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation: ‘Send Him Back.’”
Democrats don’t seem to have learned much since their knee-jerk reaction to Gov. Northam’s various scandals.
“Someone channeling their inner-13-year-old wrote that. It’s embarrassing. Painfully embarrassing,” Morse wrote.
According to publicly available information, the following Democrats will be “complicit in the atrocities [the President] incites” and attend the event tomorrow:
- Rep. Elaine Luria
- Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax
- Del. David Bulova
- Del. Kelly Convirs-Fowler
- Del. Karrie Delaney
- Del. Wendy Gooditis
- Del. Elizabeth Guzman
- Del. Stephen Heretick
- Del. Patrick Hope
- Del. Chris Hurst
- Del. Mark Levine
- Del. Alfonso H. Lopez
- Del. Mike Mullin
- Del. Kathleen Murphy
- Del. Ken Plum
- Del. David Reid
- Del. Danica A. Roem
- Del. Ibraheem Samirah
- Del. Rip Sullivan Jr.
- Del. David Toscano
- Del. Schuyler VanValkenburg
- Del. Vivian Watts