Donald Trump Jr. Says November Elections Are A Choice Between Law And Order And Lawlessness And Anarchy

In an rare op-ed penned by Donald Trump Jr. published in last week’s The Denver Post, the President’s oldest son gave his vigorous opinion and vehement opposition to the Democratic Party saying, “In their efforts to appeal to the extreme left-wing elements in their base, the Democrats are becoming the party of lawlessness and anarchy.”

Trump Jr. mentioned the ongoing Senate confirmation hearings wherein “dedication to disorder was on full display.” He added, “While radical Democrat ‘activists’ attempted to derail the proceedings — over 200 were arrested during the course of the hearing — Senate Democrats put on their own protest from the rostrum, marked by a complete disregard for law, order, and basic decency.”

He also referred to disruptive tactics from Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) in interrupting Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Chuck Grassley’s (R-IA) opening remarks, drowned out by a background of the aforementioned protesters. Trump Jr. also accosted Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) for his “‘I am Spartacus’ moment,” as just another attempt to delay the vote to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.

“While it might shock Americans to see their elected officials behave this way,” Trump Jr. writes, “it’s not surprising from Democrats. When U.S. Representatives take the oath of office, they swear to defend and uphold the laws of the land. Unfortunately, the unofficial motto of the Democrat Party now appears to be ‘attack and subvert the laws of the land whenever and wherever possible.’”

He added, “In fact, the Democrats’ embrace of anarchy…it’s become the basis of their party platform.”

The President’s son goes on to disparage the Democrats’ views on immigration. “Not only do Democrats consistently support illegal aliens and look for every possible opportunity to give them citizenship (and let them vote in elections), but they also openly enable violent criminal illegal aliens through their support of sanctuary cities,” he said.

As Democrats are running on dismantling Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Trump Jr. says, “the Democrats’ disdain for law enforcement goes far beyond those who have ‘ICE’ embossed on their badges. They’ve been waging war against law enforcement as a whole since the Obama presidency — during which his administration reflexively took the side of street criminals and used the immense power of the Justice Department to prosecute officers and local police departments for simply doing their job.”

It is not only the narrative from Democrats that has Trump Jr. accosting the party, but the issue at hand for him is how “Democrats have also begun to implicitly, and sometimes even explicitly, endorse violence against Republicans in pursuit of their political agenda.”

At the center of this violent streak, Trump Jr. names Congresswoman Maxine Waters (CA-43) and Congressman Keith Ellison (MN-5) as purveyors of chaos.

The President’s son points to an incident when Ellison tweeted a photo of himself in January 2017 holding the book “Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook,” which is, according to Trump Jr., “the bible for the violent domestic terrorist group that shares the book’s name.”

Furthermore, Ellison added to the tweet, “I just found the book that strike (sic) fear in the heart of @realDonaldTrump.”

When it comes to the antics of California’s self-described resistance leader, Waters has continuously told a crowds of supporters to “resist” the Trump Administration by any means necessary, and has doubled-down on calls for violence.

“Democrats also go beyond just ignoring violence from their side — they encourage it,” Trump Jr. wrote. He described a “disturbing segment” that occurred last month with CNN host and “Democrat cheerleader” Chris Cuomo when he “defended Antifa violence against law-abiding Americans.”

“All punches are not equal morally,” claimed Cuomo. “Fighting hate is right and in a clash between hate and those who oppose, those who oppose it are on the side of right,” he said.

“The problem with Cuomo’s interpretation, as we’ve seen through numerous college campus protests — and the recent phenomenon of mainstream conservatives like Dennis Prager being censored on social media websites — is that anyone who doesn’t support the radical agenda of the left-wing is slandered as hateful by Democrats and their extreme liberal base. Therefore, in their minds, it becomes morally justified to punch even the most mild-mannered and moderate conservative in the face,” Trump Jr. said.

He added, “If you support strong borders or low taxes, Antifa and their defenders may proclaim that it’s righteous to curb-stomp you. The Democrats’ unhinged, anti-law and order attitude stands in stark contrast to President Trump’s America First agenda.”

Trump Jr. also said that “worst of all” in the narrative of resistance towards the Trump Administration, Democrats “turn a blind eye to their supporters committing violence against those they disagree with.”

He ends his op-ed with, “Donald Trump and the Republican Party stand for law, order, and safety. The Democrats stand for lawlessness, disorder, and anarchy. The choice this November could not be more clear — the people will pick law and order.”

About Author

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard.