There may be a “secret society” working against President Donald Trump in Washington according to new information from Attorney General Jeff Sessions that involves both the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Gateway Pundit reports. Over 50,000 text messages were reviewed by the House Judiciary Committee with oversight from Republicans John Ratcliffe (TX-4) and Trey Gowdy (SC-4) that were reported to have been exchanged between Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page. Though, the vast amount of mobile messages do not include the so-called “missing” texts that have not been included in the revelation. Even so, the investigation on The Hill is now leaning towards a conclusion that there is a secret society of operatives in Washington within the DOJ and FBI working against the Trump Administration.
During the 2016 presidential election, Strzok, an FBI agent, was the Chief of the Counterespionage Section for the FBI and was tasked to the investigation team overseeing Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email server during her tenure as Secretary of State in the Obama Administration. Though, contrary to agency rules, it seems he was exchanging messages with Page in clear violation of investigative protocol. Lawmakers have been pressing the agency for answers after revelations came forth that the FBI failed to preserve five months of texts between Strzok and Page.
On Monday, Sessions released a statement to Fox News claiming, “We will leave no stone unturned to confirm with certainty why these text messages are not now available to be produced and will use every technology available to determine whether the missing messages are recoverable from another source.” He added, “If we are successful, we will update the congressional committees immediately.”
After the news broke, Ratcliffe stated, “What we learned today in the thousands of text messages that we’ve reviewed that perhaps they may not have done that (checked their bias at the door). There’s certainly a factual basis to question whether or not they acted on that bias. We know about this insurance policy that was referenced in trying to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president.”
Gowdy told Fox News, “The day after the election, the day after what they really, really didn’t want to have happen, there’s a text exchange between [Strzok and Page]…Perhaps this is the first meeting of the secret society.” It is currently unclear the members of the alleged shadow group working against the president, but congressional members are working towards unearthing the potentially treasonous actors.
During the five months of missing text messages, important political and investigative moves occurred. After President Donald Trump was sworn into office, National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was fired for his talks with Russian diplomats, just after he was interviewed by the FBI and agent Strzok. Then, the controversial anti-Trump dossier was published. It was reported last week via Senate testimony released from August that Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence agent, may have been paid by the FBI for a rendezvous with a potential agency contact in Rome – leading to the publishing of the dossier. Furthermore, Special Counsel Robert Mueller was appointed to investigate the current administration for alleged collusion with the Russians during the election after FBI Director James Comey was fired.
Strzok was reported to have been relaying messages regarding these events to Page. Though, much more is to come forth as lawmakers are searching for the texts that have come up missing. Nevertheless, the notion of secret society still wanders through the streets of Washington amid a clear bias from high-level government agency employees.
Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) sent a letter to FBI Director Chirstopher Wray regarding the missing texts. “The loss of records from this period is concerning because it is apparent from other records that Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page communicated frequently about the investigation,” Johnson wrote. He is requesting more information to question the thoroughness of the FBI’s search of non-agency devices belonging to both Strzok and Page and their communications. One lawmaker has explained the nature of the missing texts must be investigated and that the FBI must prove they were not involved in obstruction of congressional oversight and the evidence must not have been destroyed to circumvent proper channels.
Many of the texts seen by both Gowdy and Ratcliffe have revealed a, “clear anti-Trump and pro-Clinton bias,” according to reports. Moreover, they have also included discussions of the Clinton email investigation enacted by the FBI.