It’s different if you’re a Democrat, apparently.
Not only do Democrats get a free pass to stay in office after appearing in blackface, they also apparently don’t have to come to the table to discuss legislative proposals.
That’s the gist of a statement from the leader of House Democrats Tuesday afternoon.
After standing beside Governor Northam — whom she said should resign — to call a special session on gun control, Minority Leader Eileen Filler-Corn, D-Fairfax, blasted House Speaker Kirk Cox, R-Colonial Heights.
Democrats want to ban commonly-owned firearms, common pistol magazines, and other steps that police have said would not have stopped the massacre in Virginia Beach.
The murderer committed his crime using two handguns, passed multiple background checks, was fingerprinted and subjected to a 6-12 month waiting period.
Cox, on the other hand, said Republicans will deal with gun violence by passing strong new penalties for those who commit crimes using firearms, including mandatory minimum sentences.
That’s a non-starter. It’s not right for the Speaker to rule out gun bans and other forms of gun control out of hand, Filler-Corn said.
“It is unconscionable that the Speaker would immediately curtail a dialogue when lives are at stake,” she said.
But apparently it’s only unconscionable to reject Democratic legislative ideas. Rejecting Republican ideas out of hand remains just fine, apparently
“I was deeply disappointed to see the House Speaker’s speaker’s statement that House Republicans will push for mandatory minimums in this special session, after the Governor has made it clear that he would not sign any such legislation,” she said later in the same statement.
Like we said, it’s different if you’re a Democrat.