If you like rockets, then early Saturday morning you should set your alarm clock and coffee pot for 7:00am for what should be a pretty amazing demonstration. From Accuweather:
Under the right conditions, the Antares rocket can be seen along the East coast from Connecticut to North Carolina and as far inland as West Virginia.
While cloud-free conditions will be good for viewing, the launch will occur during the daytime, so it may be difficult to spot from farther away.
The best way to try to see the rocket on Saturday morning is to have a clear view of the horizon in the direction of Wallops Island. This varies depending on your location, so be sure to look at a map ahead of time and know which direction to look on Saturday morning.
Want to see whether or not you’ll be able to see the rocket from your back porch?
For those who want to keep track of the launch in real time, check out NASA’s Wallops Island’s live stream as well.