Senator Lindsey Graham Says Saudi Prince Salman Has ‘Got To Go’

Longtime defender of Saudi Arabia and close ally of President Donald Trump Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has come out against Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), saying that he has “got to go” and has promised to never to return to the kingdom after missing journalist Jamal Khashoggi was allegedly “cut into pieces” inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey. The Senate Armed Services Committee member also said that he would also back economic sanctions on the country and the suspension of weapons sales, which have doubled in the last year.

Appearing on “Fox & Friends” Tuesday morning, Graham charged that bin Salman is a “toxic” person and “can never be a world leader on the world stage.”

Following the disappearance of Khashoggi two weeks ago, the Senate’s top foreign policy lawmakers called on the White House to investigate the situation after denials from the Saudi government have been attempting to mar widespread outcries of violent authoritarianism against the press. The President sent Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to meet with top officials in the country this week to uncover what happened.

Although Trump said that the denial from Saudi King Salman was “very strong” in regards to their involvement in the alleged killing of The Washington Post contributing reporter, Saudi Arabia now faces a worldwide condemnation of the supposed orchestrated killing of the journalist critical of the Saudi royal family.

“This guy is a wrecking ball,” Senator Graham continued. “He had this guy murdered in a consulate in Turkey, and to expect me to ignore it — I feel used and abused.”

Graham emphatically stated, “Saudi Arabia, if you’re listening, there are a lot of good people you can choose.” The Republican senator added, “MBS has tainted your country and tainted yourself.”

Sanctions against the Middle East nation would have to come directly from the Trump Administration, but Graham is fully on board with punishing the Saudi government. When asked what he would do to show a sign of force, Graham said, “What I would do, I know what I’m going to do, I’m going to sanction the hell out of Saudi Arabia.”

About Author

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard.