The real question for Virginians is whether Biden’s abysmally low numbers will put the perennial three seats in play: VA-02 in Virginia Beach, VA-10 in Loudoun, and VA-07 in Prince William and Fredericksburg.
The poll I discussed yesterday serves as a reminder to giddy Democrats still breathing sighs of relief as redistricting saved their bacon in 2023. There is a wider world out there placing their policies in the balance and finding them wanting. Tired of a bad economy, tired of cancel culture, and tired of American prestige being squandered in places such as Afghanistan and Ukraine, most Americans will put up with a few bad tweets for a return to $1.99/gal gasoline and reasonable food prices.
James Carville — the renowned Democratic strategist — used to remind Clintonistas that it was the economy, stupid.
Meanwhile, Democrats continue to cancel the Cassandras (yes, a reference to antiquity) at their peril. At some point in time, their neighbors figure out that they aren’t alone. They get a vote as well.
This article originally appeared in the FXBG Advance. Republished with permission.