You’ve Been Wexton’d: NRCC Releases New Ad In VA-10

If you live in the Northern Virginia area and commute to work on Interstate 66 every day then you have probably felt the effects of Jennifer Wexton, an area state senator that is currently running for the House of Representatives in Virginia’s Tenth Congressional District. The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has released a new hard-hitting ad showing how those living in the suburbs west of Washington, D.C., have gotten “Wexton’d” as a part of their “daily reality.”

While on the General Assembly’s Senate Transportation Committee, Wexton backed a deal proposed by then-Governor Terry McAuliffe (D) leading to massive toll hikes on I-66. During peak travel times, which are normal morning commuting hours for tens of thousands in the Northern Virginia area, the tolls reached $47.25 on two mornings in January, and were commonly in the $40 range in April. Of course, this was after Democrats told Virginians that the ballyhooed Terry Tolls would never reach $15.

Other than supporting high priced tolls on middle-class Virginians, Wexton backs progressive tax hikes. She said in 2015 that “In areas that are experiencing rapid growth, like Loudoun County, the costs associated with governing are becoming too high to rely exclusively on property taxes,” as stated in a questionnaire created by the Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce. Her solution is to “allow local governments to diversify their revenue sources,” which means additional, more widespread tax hikes.

All of this means, as the NRCC ad states, “The rest of the state gets a free ride. We [Northern Virginia] get Wexton’d.”

There is a pattern with Wexton raising taxes on Virginians to pay for progressive agenda items. As a self-described “tax and spend liberal,” one who vows to roll back the federal Republican tax overhaul, she will undoubtedly work to raise government revenue in Congress by sticking her hands into he pockets of middle class Virginians – leaving everyone Wexton’d.