The Department of Justice issues indictment against 12 Russian military officers in hacking emails from DNC and Clinton campaign during 2016 presidential election.
A few of Virginia’s politicians have urged senators Tim Kaine, Mark Warner, and the rest of the Democrats in the upper chamber to swiftly confirm the “eminently qualified” D.C. Circuit Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
Speaker of the House of Delegate files a motion to the U.S. Supreme Court challenging the lower court’s ruling that 11 Virginia legislative districts are drawn in a discriminatory manner towards African-Americans.
Just one week before President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladmir Putin are set to meet in Helsinki, Finland, Moscow is upgrading fortifications on the country’s western border.
As Democrats campaign to roll back the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Congresswoman Barbara Comstock shows the immense amount of people and businesses it has helped.