My grandfather used to tell me that what separated the United States from the Soviet Union was this single principle. You see, in the United States we would allow 100 guilty people to walk free if it meant preventing one innocent man from being convicted, whereas the Soviets would plow through 100 innocent people to […]
Shifting the True Costs of Marijuana Legalization to Taxpayers Isn’t Liberty but License
EDITORS NOTE: Many years ago, I had the privilege of working for the US Drug Enforcement Administration with the Office of Diversion Control. The opinions expressed here are strictly my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of DEA either then or presently. — SVK It is immoral to allow fools to keep […]
Democrats: Burning Smut Bad; Burning Bibles, Flags and Small Businesses is Patriotism
“Dort, wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man am Ende auch Menschen.” “Thus, where men burn books, in the end they will also burn men.” — Heinrich Heine, Almansor: A Tragedy (1823) Since we are all clutching pearls at the idea of burning books quite suddenly, let’s take a moment to remind ourselves when progressive Democrats are entirely […]
A More Gentlemanly Sort of Politics
Lynn Mitchell over at my former roost at Bearing Drift offers the following thoughts regarding the tenor and tone of today’s campaign environment: What would make people be so coarse that they would display something that offensive for all to see? It never occurred me to ever fly such a flag against any Democratic president or anyone else […]
Quomodo Sedet Sola Civitas
A friend of mine is traveling the Mediterranean this week and shared a photo of a statue in front of the ruins of an ancient Roman temple. Inscribed on the pedestal were the opening lines of Constantine Kavafis’ Ionikon — words that might feel rather relevant to many a Virginian today: Just because we broke their statues, because […]
And Just Like That, Democrats Do Not Like Non-Partisan Redistricting Anymore…
For about a decade, Republicans were treated to excoriations about non-partisan and bipartisan redistricting by Democrats, telling us how fair and equitable they would be when drawn. Until they are drawn. Now the Democrats are mad as hell, as defined by all these red dots where Democrats complain (a lot) about democracy and fairness as un-democratic […]