The Republican Standard
- February 18, 2019
290 views 2 min

Repeating their performances given during Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings, Virginia’s Democratic Senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner opposed Trump’s pick to head the Department of Justice, Attorney General William Barr.

The Republican Standard
- January 15, 2019
330 views 4 min

As the confirmation hearings continue, Barr will also be grilled on presidential powers, immigration enforcement, abortion, torture, protections for journalists, and his past actions in previous administrations.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- May 30, 2018
305 views 3 min

Longtime Trump supporter Congressman Trey Gowdy has said there is no evidence that he has analyzed that the FBI planted a “spy” within the president’s 2016 campaign.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- May 28, 2018
254 views 7 min

As prison reform legislation is next on the docket for President Trump and the White House, deep divides are being revealed between the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- April 20, 2018
231 views 2 min

Even though the case surrounding former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe has been highly politicized, the Inspector General’s referral shows he is really in the hot seat now.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...