The Republican Standard
- January 28, 2019
181 views 6 min

When Republicans announced that gun control legislation from Democrats was “dead on arrival” in the 2019 General Assembly session, they were serious, very serious.

The Republican Standard
- January 21, 2019
191 views 7 min

Fourteen gun control bills were defeated by Virginia House Republicans, leaving four remaining. While gun rights supporters said Governor Northam’s agenda appeared dead for the year, they warned these bills represented a wishlist by gun control proponents which could pass if Republicans lose the House and Senate this November.

The Republican Standard
- December 30, 2018
176 views 4 min

Democrats are routing politically problematic corporate coal contributions to candidates through their caucus account, even as members tell their constituents they won’t take that money. This makes coal the caucus’s largest corporate donor of 2018.

The Republican Standard
- October 28, 2017
235 views 44 sec

This current election in Virginia may seem boring compared to 2016, but that isn’t stopping the progressive Democrats from trying to drag us all into the mud. On top of that, we are currently facing the threat of not only higher taxes from Richmond but also an expanding lawless environment thanks to sanctuary cities and […]

Remso W. Martinez is the host of the Remso Republic Podcast. ...