The Republican Standard
- July 22, 2017
203 views 58 sec

The Virginia Bar Association Debate was an exhibition on why Ralph Northam avoids debates, courtesy of Ed Gillespie’s focus on economic growth.

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- July 21, 2017
224 views 2 sec

Guess who supports a $15/hr living wage?

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- July 21, 2017
235 views 3 min

Ed Gillespie isn’t shying away from public speaking engagements, even if Ralph Northam seems to be taking every opportunity to dodge the same.

The Republican Standard
- July 21, 2017
220 views 4 min

AARP and LWV beg Northam to reconsider ditching debates while Northam’s creeping defeatism is starting to be noticed on Twitter and Facebook.

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- July 18, 2017
283 views 2 min

Ralph Northam couldn’t be bothered to attend meetings of boards specifically created for the purpose of rural economic development — for four years.

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- July 17, 2017
220 views 2 min

Meanwhile, the Democrats are reduced to calling pipeline supporters racists for the crime of bringing jobs and tax revenue to Buckingham County, Virginia. 

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- July 16, 2017
368 views 4 min

How much more oxygen does Northam have left to breathe before he either decides he wants to win the election, or placate the extremist wing of his own party (again)?

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...