“Raising the legal age for tobacco purchases to 21 is a common sense way to address this escalating public health concern,” said Delegate Chris Stolle.
“Garrison brings a fresh conservative perspective to our party, and will run a robust campaign, centered around ideas, that will solve the challenges individuals and families in our Commonwealth face,” Speaker Cox said.
Ralph Northam, Virginia’s moonwalking, formerly-blackface governor, will not resign, but says he will “revisit” the decision if he is not “effective or efficient.”
Thousands of Virginians are about to descend on Richmond next week in defense of the preborn and in reaction to open Democratic support for infanticide.
“I think what my Democratic colleagues are most concerned about is what this moment actually revealed. It was a moment of unbridled honesty about their agenda, and their legislation, and what it actually does,” said Republican House Majority Leader Todd Gilbert.