Fool me once? Shame on you. Fool me 56 times?
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me, goes the old saw. What about 56 times? You’d have to ask the Virginia Parole Board about that. Because that’s what happened to them earlier this year when they released a felon with 56 previous convictions That’s exactly what happened to the Virginia […]
Afghanistan: What do we tell those who served?
With the omnipresent horror on TV and social media, It’s impossible to not think about Afghanistan these days. Twenty years, thousands of lives, and trillions of dollars were poured into the region, and yet now we’re back to where we started. Watching the poorly planned and hasty withdrawal of U.S. forces and the ensuing aftermath […]
Democrats Double Down on Dishonesty Regarding Race Theory
He may just be a fictional scoundrel, but Frank Underwood knew a thing or two about framing public debates. And Virginia Democrats have been taking lessons. “If you don’t like how the table is set, turn over the table,” he drawled into the camera. On the subject of Critical Race Theory, Democrats aren’t happy with […]
Northam on No Amendments: Never Mind
What happens when a weak leader puts his foot down and makes demands of a legislature? If you’re Ralph Northam, you roll over and hope no one remembers that you ever put your foot down. That’s exactly what happened this week at the General Assembly, as Governor Northam huddled with Democratic leaders from the House […]
“Antiracist” Teaching Comes to Albemarle County Schools
Around Virginia, parents are angry, and for good reason: They’re learning just what their children have been taught about race, identity, and privilege. In Albemarle County, students at Henly Elementary School were part of a pilot program that tested “anti-bias” lessons. Those lessons, it turns out, were straight out of Ibram X. Kendi’s “Antiracist” dogma. […]