Will Virginia Open the Pandora’s Box of Public Employee Unions?
Introducing collective bargaining for public employees in Virginia is akin to opening Pandora’s economic box on responsible spending and financial flexibility. Public-sector unions represent an inherent conflict of interest. The purpose of unions is to collectively pressure employers to give in to demands for higher wages and better worker benefits. In the public sector, however, […]
Virginia Democrats: Helping Workers Straight to the Unemployment Office
Virginia Democrats are committed to fighting for workers’ rights—even if that means chasing away the businesses that employ them in the first place. After years of policies making Virginia one of the most attractive states for businesses in the United States, Democrats threaten to drive away job creators coming to the Commonwealth by increasing the […]
Budget Battle Lines form as Democrat Groups Squabble Over Budget
The ink on Governor Ralph Northam’s only full two-year budget isn’t even dry, and there’s already a war brewing among Democratic interest groups. Rolled out to much fanfare on Tuesday, the budget plan includes just over $390 million in new spending for K-12 education and over $700 million for to fight climate change. Neither of those sums are chump […]