The Rise Of The Last RFK Democrat
For those of you who have been longtime readers, you know of my affinity for former Delegate “Fighting Joe” Morrissey — the Democratic nominee for the Virginia Senate in SEN-16. Pro-working class, sensible on fiscal issues, and above all else someone who has lived his pro-life values in the public square in a way few […]
Lyin’ Larry Barnett Locates Local Police Look-Alikes
Whoever said “fake it ’til you make it” probably wasn’t talking about using fake law enforcement officers in a political campaign. Apparently no one told Democrat Larry Barnett. Barnett is making his second run at Republican Del. Roxann Robinson, the incumbent in the 27th House District, contained entirely in Chesterfield County. Behind in the polls […]
New Study: School Choice Works
The results are in, and they’re promising — especially for advocates of school choice. Such was the finding of a two-year study of public funding for private preschool programs announced by Governor Ralph Northam’s office on Tuesday. The heart of the report is buried deeply in academic research speak, but the gist is clear — […]
GILMORE: Remembering Our Resolve On September 11th
In the life of the United States, there are dates marking events that change the course and direction of our country. One thinks of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, the firing on Fort Sumter, the surrender at Appomattox, and the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. September 11, 2001 is one of those days. We […]