House Democrats Blocking Hearings to Protect Preferred 2021 Nominee?

If nothing else, the timing is certainly suspect. Just days after House Democrats once again blocked a bipartisan hearing into the sexual assault allegations against Democratic Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax, Fairfax told the Richmond Times Dispatch he was considering a run for governor. Fairfax has been under fire since February, when two women came forward […]

House Democrats: What Part of No Don’t You Understand?

Virginia House Democrats are starting to sound a lot like a Meghan Trainor song. NO. House Minority Leader Eileen Filler-Corn shot down yet another effort by House Republicans to hold bipartisan hearings on allegations against Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax this week. Calling a the attempt to give two alleged victims of sexual assault a “partisan […]

Mark Herring Has Convenient Epiphany on Marijuana Legalization

Attorney General Mark Herring jumped on the marijuana bandwagon this week, calling for legislators to end prosecution for simple possession of small amounts of the drug. Writing in an op-ed in the Daily Press, Herring argued that Virginia’s current system isn’t working. “It is needlessly creating criminals and burdening Virginians with convictions,” he wrote. “…And […]

Democrats Cheer Court Ruling Overturning Districts Democrats Supported

It didn’t take long for Virginia Democrats to begin moralizing after Monday’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling. The 5-to-4 ruling held that the House of Delegates had no standing to appeal a court ruling that required a number of districts to be redrawn due to how the House and Senate handled issues of race. “When we […]

Edge GOP: Republicans Turn Out More Voters, Have the Momentum Headed to November

It’s all about the enthusiasm, and voters are apparently seeing red. In a good way. Surging turnout in contested GOP primaries swamped their Democratic counterparts on Tuesday, flipping the script from two years ago when Democrats ran the table. On average, House Republican contests turned out 22 percent more voters than Democrat contests did, according […]

Sen. Gillibrand: Pro-life Views are the New Racism

Holding pro-life views are now the moral equivalent of racism, according to one of the 23 Democrats running for President. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., told the Des Moines Register this week that holding pro-life views is the moral equivalent of racism, and appointing pro-life judges is the equivalent of appointing racist judges. Gillibrand made her […]

Northam Buys Off Legislators Who Call for His Resignation

How much money does it take to make a Democratic candidate forget about a call for resignation? If the latest round of campaign finance reports are right, the going rate is anywhere between $5,000 and $15,000. That’s the takeaway from an analysis done by the Washington Free Beacon today, which found no fewer than 13 […]