Senate To Vote On Bill Protecting Special Counsel Mueller

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) recently said, “I don’t think he [President Trump] should fire Mueller and I don’t think he’s going to,” following calls from senators to draft legislation to protect Special Counsel Robert Mueller in the midst of the Russia investigation.

Could A Single-Payer Healthcare System Work In America?

Progressive politicians and activists argue that a single-payer healthcare system can give Americans the care they need. However, as people argue the economic ramifications of such implementation, many forget the chilling end to the program – people as property of the state.

In Bernie Sanders’ America, We All Work For Big Brother

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is getting ready to announce an official proposal that would guarantee a federal job with at least a $15 per hour wage and free health insurance benefits to every American, “who wants or needs one” because in Bernie’s America, we all work for Big Brother.