Democrats Out Trigger One Another In VA-10; Safe Spaces Packed

In a Democratic fistfight that looked more like a Royal Rumble than a debate, the six-way race in the Democratic primary in Virginia’s Tenth Congressional District (VA-10) heated up in a big way — with all the candidates are slugging at their favorite punching bag, Jennifer Wexton.

This time, Wexton was harshly criticized as being insufficient in her duties stripping law-abiding Americans of the basic right to self defense.

At a public forum in Haymarket, featuring those who will vie to lose to incumbent Republican Barbara Comstock, candidate Dan Helmer highlighted Wexton’s support of a legislative deal in 2016 that allowed restored conceal and carry reciprocity with other states.

“That deal was called ‘a gift to the NRA,'” Helmer said, according to a report from Inside NOVA. “It’s time to elect politicians who do the right thing not only in the bright spotlight of tragedy, but also in the dark corridors of power, where it matters.”

Not to be outdone, Wexton fired back by claiming it is “easy” for people like Helmer to judge her because he has never held public office. She said that it is often common for those like Helmer, “to sit in judgement when you’re sitting on the sidelines and not having to actually be down in the trenches.”

Down in the trenches?  Helmer was — shall we say — a tad bit triggered at that remark.

Helmer, an Army combat veteran who served in Iraq and Afghanistan (but apparently cannot remember how many bars there are on the U.S. flag) actually served in the trenches in the Middle East.

Pouncing on the comment, Helmer’s campaign and its allies immediately began a social media campaign ridiculing Wexton for not serving in “real trenches.”


Not to be out done, Alison Friedman, a great ally of the Hollywood elite, weighed in saying, “One of my priorities, were I to get to Congress, would be to earn an ‘F’ from the NRA.”

For all the progressives who are running in circles screaming at lawmakers taking money from the NRA to craft pro-gun policies, it would be interesting to see if Wexton took advice from pro-gun lobbyists. It would add to the long list of special interest groups often coddling her — like this one:


Lindsey Davis Stover said Wexton’s legislative pro-gun push was, “reckless and a use of bad judgement.” Presumably, also a use of bad judgement when calling out a combat veteran for not being in the “trenches.”  What’s next?  Employers who don’t hold a job?

For Wexton, it seems that pro-gun or anti-gun policies do not really matter — just pleasing the right people in backdoor deals.  Cronyism has its privileges.

Either way, for all the mental gymnastics over safe spaces and triggers for everyone else,  the Democrats sure have a bad habit of treating one another with nastiness and contempt.  Given their behavior, it’s doubtful anyone in Northern Virginia would reward this sort of anger with an opportunity to behave this way towards constituents.

…and that contempt for working class Virginians is coming.  Just wait until the rest of the 10th District gets a taste of that bile when the Democrats come after Comstock.

About Author

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard.

1 Comment

  1. […] said Will Ritter, a Republican ad-maker for Richmond-based Poolhouse, who is unaffiliated with the VA-10 race. “I guess buying police costumes at Party City is easier than getting support from […]

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