Is This Why Virginia Democrats Ignored Holder’s NOVA Fundraiser?

After spending almost a month digging into the strange behavior by the Fairfax Democrats and state party regarding the publicly listed fundraiser for the House Democratic Caucus with former Obama DOJ Attorney General Eric Holder, we might finally understand why the event was not only not publicized at all, but was also denied to have occurred by an official of the Democratic Party of Virginia (you can listen to that audio below).

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The former Attorney General, who recently declared himself part of the anti-conservative “Resistance”, left the Obama DOJ with  “a 15% approval rating when he left office” according to Fox News contributor Katie Pavlich. This brings about the perfect question though as Pavlich puts it, “why would they have someone so unpopular in their ranks?”

It’s one of those open secrets so to speak, but the Democratic Party by and large nationally is broken and bankrupt, which is why megalomaniacs such as George Soros have dumped billions of dollars recently into progressive non-profits that push Democrat agendas instead of focusing on investing into PACs and other more partisan ways of influence after getting caught breaking campaign finance laws during the 2004 election.

While the old Clinton establishment wing clashes with the deeper socialist Sanders wing, Democrats across the country are having to jump to one side or another to stay relevant, especially as the Democratic Party of Virginia began to fracture after the primary loss of Tom Perriello and more recently the intentional shunning of Lt. Governor candidate Justin Fairfax.

The Democrats didn’t want this fundraiser with Holder out there for the same reason other Democratic candidates aren’t wanting the Bernie bros to attend events, it’s because his presence and involvement is like pouring lime juice in an open wound for them.

Not to jump on the conspiracy train, but it is oddly coincidental that within a week of that fundraiser, Holder wasn’t just exposed to be part of the illegal Clinton sale of Uranium to the Russians, but also was outed in official documents for helping coordinate the process where relief aid to victims of the banking collapse on Wall Street in 2008 was instead diverted to “slush funds” where the Obama administration could grant money to organizations of “our choosing.”

No wonder only Delegate Rip Sullivan was the only person to do so much as post a picture with the now infamous AG. Holder is toxic but wasn’t so bad that Virginia Democrats weren’t willing to not take his money. Does it all matter though? After all it was a Democrat official who stated Holder’s past was “not my concern.”

About Author

Remso W. Martinez is the host of the Remso Republic Podcast.