American Socialism, Part II: The Utility of Man

Civilization was a machine, and a wise enough tinkerer could improve that machine. Machines rely on order and cannot abide chaos; machines rely on collective operation; independent or unpredictable variables are dangerous. Above all, machines are agnostic to transcendent morality, and are strictly concerned with utility.

Biden Still Needs Grace

In 2016 I walked away from the Republican Party over the primary election of Donald Trump. But I never denigrated anyone who supported him. Here’s what I wrote: Trump — and his appointees — are just as capable of total depravity as Clinton and her appointees would have been; and God is still just as […]

What is Our Sexual Ethic Now?

#MeToo and the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh have the nation asking some very important questions about our sexual ethics. Are they too ambiguous or too clear-cut? Too prudish or too loose?