MUST SEE: Ltg. Winsome Earle-Sears Stars in NRA Ad

The National Rifle Association (NRA) released a video on Twitter this weekend starring Virginia’s own Lieutenant Governor, Winsome Earle-Sears. “We’ve had enough. Keep your hands off our Second Amendment rights.” –Virginia Lt. Gov. @WinsomeSears — NRA (@NRA) June 12, 2022   In the minute-and-a-half-long feature, Earle-Sears slams the mainstream media for not highlighting her […]

TRS Exclusive: LtG. Winsome Earle-Sears Headlines NoVA GOP Dinner As Congressional Primary Season Kicks Off

Virginia’s Lieutenant Governor Winsome Earle-Sears journeyed to Old Town Alexandria last night to headline the Arlington and Alexandria GOP’s joint fundraising dinner.  Northern Virginia Republicans packed the house at Murphy’s Irish Pub in Alexandria, eager to hear from LtG. Earle-Sears about her work during the first few months of the Youngkin administration. Great seeing the […]

Self Defense Gun Use in Potomac Yards Shows the Need for Looser Gun Restrictions Across Virginia

Last Friday’s self-defense gun use in Alexandria’s Potomac Yard neighborhood highlights the need for looser gun restrictions across Virginia. The incident in question took place at the Exxon gas station on the 2300 block of Richmond Highway around 3 PM, per reporting by local media outlet WDVM. The would-be victim killed one perpetrator and injured […]

Elon Musk Boosts Ukraine’s Ability to Defend Itself

As conflict engulfs much of Ukraine, Elon Musk stepped forward this week to answer a call for help from one of the nation’s top officials. For many months, Vladimir Putin’s troops have been amassing in ever-growing numbers, across much of the Ukrainian-Russian border. As talks between the nations broke down and became ever tense, it […]