The Republican Standard
- February 4, 2019
495 views 6 min

As Republicans remain unified behind tax relief, Democrats remain committed to emptying the pockets of middle-class Virginians.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- February 3, 2019
463 views 12 min

54% of Democratic lawmakers sponsored Kathy Tran’s late term abortion bill, in addition to Governor Ralph Northam, Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax, and Attorney General Mark Herring. The bill is supported by a majority of Virginia Democrats. Here’s the list.

The Republican Standard
- January 16, 2019
464 views 5 min

Charging that he will work to reform Virginia’s criminal justice system, protect healthcare for those with pre-existing conditions, and battle against higher taxes and job-killing regulations, the former delegate from the 85th House District announces his campaign for his old seat.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- December 30, 2018
457 views 4 min

Democrats are routing politically problematic corporate coal contributions to candidates through their caucus account, even as members tell their constituents they won’t take that money. This makes coal the caucus’s largest corporate donor of 2018.

The Republican Standard
- December 29, 2018
476 views 5 min

A seasonal worker’s $500 paycheck was reduced to $14.52 after mandatory union dues deductions in a non-Right to Work state. Seasonal employees in Virginia would face the same predicament, if Democrats succeed in repealing Virginia’s Right to Work law.

The Republican Standard
- December 17, 2018
437 views 6 min

Calls from freshmen Democrats Cheryl Turpin and Lee Carter signal a growing reversal from seventy years of bipartisan consensus on Virginia’s Right to Work law.