The Republican Standard
- February 6, 2019
354 views 4 min

Politifact rated Kathy Tran’s abortion bill claim as false, finding that her measure allowing abortions through 40 weeks did substantially change the standard under which the procedures are allowed in Virginia.

The Republican Standard
- February 3, 2019
341 views 12 min

54% of Democratic lawmakers sponsored Kathy Tran’s late term abortion bill, in addition to Governor Ralph Northam, Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax, and Attorney General Mark Herring. The bill is supported by a majority of Virginia Democrats. Here’s the list.

The Republican Standard
- February 2, 2019
344 views 4 min

Support for the bill that would repeal any meaningful protections for the unborn has waned over the past few days.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- January 15, 2019
364 views 6 min

Democratic Leader Filler-Corn wrongly claimed Governor Northam’s budget wasn’t paid for with $1.2 billion in higher taxes on 600,000 middle class Virginians. The Richmond Times-Dispatch’s editorial board disagreed — strongly.

The Republican Standard
- January 15, 2019
382 views 8 min

House Republicans announced a unified front behind a plan offering tax relief to 2.7 million low and middle income Virginians. The House GOP plan blocks Governor Northam’s “hidden tax increase” on 600,000 middle class taxpayers.