The Republican Standard
- September 21, 2018
362 views 3 min

If Jennifer Wexton wishes to support those who “so clearly need a champion fighting for them,” survivors of sexual abuse and harassment, shouldn’t she back away from someone who denies #Metoo claims? Or, will she just take the money and run like she did with the Metro labor union?

The Republican Standard
- September 17, 2018
379 views 3 min

In an outstanding victory, Republican Congresswoman Barbara Comstock garnered 205 votes to Democrat challenger Jennifer Wexton’s 29 during a straw poll at the Top of Virginia Regional Chamber’s annual political mixer held at Handley High School in Winchester.

The Republican Standard
- August 24, 2018
363 views 3 min

The choice is clear for the midterm election in Virginia’s Tenth Congressional District: Resistance or Results.

The Republican Standard
- August 14, 2018
312 views 3 min

Will the progressives within the House Democratic Caucus bow to the establishment or rock the political boat with a coup against their leadership?

The Republican Standard
- August 1, 2018
401 views 4 min

Comstock challenger Jennifer Wexton seems to believe that working to fight against MS-13 and violence from transnational gangs is racist, but instead proves she is out of touch with reality.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- July 27, 2018
362 views 5 min

State Senator Jennifer Wexton has shown the people of the Commonwealth that she is the most progressive legislator in the General Assembly. However, for her run for Congress, do the people of VA-10 really want that?

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- May 14, 2018
303 views 2 min

The NRCC has released a new video entitled: “Jennifer Wexton Will Raise Your Taxes.” Built on the foundation of the NRCC’s ad targeting Nancy Pelosi about her proposed “roll back” of the Republican-led Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, it outlines Wexton’s plan of a congressional agenda of big taxes and big government spending.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- May 1, 2018
358 views 5 min

Virginia State Senator Jennifer Wexton doesn’t realize she’s the worst performing Democrat in her own district; Dan Helmer wants to be Connor Lamb… only, um… he’s not?

The Republican Standard
- April 18, 2018
300 views 4 min

State Senator Jennifer Wexton shows she knows absolutely nothing about taxes when her attempts to slam the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act fails miserably.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- April 12, 2018
336 views 4 min

Who needs the WWE when you have the WWD?

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...