The Republican Standard
- February 1, 2019
313 views 2 min

Culpeper, a quiet Central Virginia town of less than 20,000 people, is making headlines today.

The Republican Standard
- January 31, 2019
317 views 6 min

Here’s the most up-to-date roundup of the Northam infanticide debacle.

The Republican Standard
- January 31, 2019
313 views 2 min

Thousands of Virginians are about to descend on Richmond next week in defense of the preborn and in reaction to open Democratic support for infanticide.

The Republican Standard
- January 31, 2019
328 views 5 min

“I think what my Democratic colleagues are most concerned about is what this moment actually revealed. It was a moment of unbridled honesty about their agenda, and their legislation, and what it actually does,” said Republican House Majority Leader Todd Gilbert.

The Republican Standard
- January 31, 2019
353 views 3 min

“This is going to lift up the whole pro-life movement like maybe it’s never been lifted up before,” said President Donald Trump when responding to the highly controversial abortion bill in Virginia, and Governor Ralph Northam’s subsequent remarks.

The Republican Standard
- January 30, 2019
295 views 6 min

“You would not be out of line by saying that it’s potentially genocide…it’s kind of sick,” said radio host John Fredericks about the Democrat-sponsored bill to allow abortions up until the moment of birth in Virginia.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- January 30, 2019
319 views 2 min

Proposals to rescind voter ID laws have remained widely unpopular across the U.S., which tells the tale of Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s effort to repeal them.

The Republican Standard
- January 29, 2019
414 views 8 min

Tran confirmed her bill would allow third trimester abortions, up until the moment of birth, during a committee hearing on legislation which Republican lawmakers have compared to the recently-enacted late term abortion bill in New York. The bill would also substantially loosen the standard under which late term abortions are allowed.

The Republican Standard
- January 28, 2019
314 views 8 min

The House GOP tax relief plan advanced out of committee. The bill provides $950 million for a tax relief fund, offers tax relief to 2.7 million lower and middle-income Virginians, and would block Governor Northam’s proposed tax increase on 600,000 middle class taxpayers.

The Republican Standard
- January 25, 2019
278 views 5 min

58,000 non-citizens were confirmed to have voted in Texas elections. Virginia Senator Mark Peake (R-Lynchburg) has introduced legislation to verify voter citizenship and prevent a similar problem in the Commonwealth. Peake’s bill has advanced out of committee, with all Republicans in support and all but one Democrat opposed.