Medicare X would leave the existing healthcare system cemented under former President Barack Obama intact, but would create a public option for Medicare provisions.
This is in stark contrast from what Senator Mark Warner said in early February after Governor Ralph Northam’s extraordinarily odd press conference, which included an attempt to moonwalk.
“There should be no mistake about what has happened here: the alleged victims are seeking a bipartisan hearing; Republicans are seeking a bipartisan hearing; Democrats in the House of Delegates are refusing to allow that to happen,” charged Speaker of the House of Delegates Kirk Cox.
Pro-life advocates will convene on Bank Street when the General Assembly gets back to business this week to “reject abortion extremism,” and show their disgust of those who supported the highly controversial late-term abortion bill and Governor Ralph Northam’s “infanticide” comments.
It is still quite precarious that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg would give the power of the social media leviathan over to the world’s governments. Can’t Facebook’s creator figure out a way to regulate his own creation?
Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax’s polygraph tests were conducted just before interviews with his accusers, Dr. Vanessa Tyson and Meredith Wilson, are set to air on national television Monday and Tuesday.
The estimated amount of jobs that are said to come to the Hampton area associated with the relocation of the squadron sits between 600 and 800, and, of course, really, really cool airplanes.
One week after U.S. Attorney General William Barr sent a four-page letter to Congress detailing that White House Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into collusion between President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russia had concluded, he announced that a full redacted copy will be released to lawmakers. The nearly 400-page investigative report will be made […]