In Flanders Field 100 Years Ago Shaun Kenney - November 11, 2017 By November 1918, the American Expeditionary Force was a battle tested army. The cost in blood was immense.
CANTON: Virginia’s Kobayashi Maru TRS Op-Ed - November 9, 2017 In hindsight, could Ed have convinced those anti-Trump Democrats to switch their vote? To see a smart guy with smart policies for the wonk that he is?
Republicans Should Be Perceptively Hostile Towards The Blame Game Shaun Kenney - November 9, 2017 Democrats would love to see us rip one another apart. Let’s set our eyes towards the opportunities we have, not the backbiters within.
SCHOENEMAN: Takeaways from Tuesday’s Tsunami TRS Op-Ed - November 9, 2017 Schoeneman: “Our majorities, at all levels, are likely living on borrowed time. “
NASA Wallops Island Scheduled for Saturday AM Antares Launch TRS Staff - November 9, 2017 If you like rockets, then early Saturday set your alarm clock and coffee pot for 7:00am for what should be a pretty amazing demonstration.
BREAKING: Goodlatte Out For 2018 TRS Staff - November 9, 2017 Breaking news today as Rep. Bob Goodlatte (VA-06) is announcing that he will not seek another term in 2018.
The Same Old Strategies Will Fail Us In The Same Old Way Millennial Ascent - November 9, 2017 Let’s focus on making people’s lives better by fixing issues we can actually solve, instead of beating dead horses.
BREAKING: Republicans Maintain Leadership In Virginia House of Delegates TRS Staff - November 8, 2017 Speaker Cox: “Our resolve and commitment to good governance based on conservative principles remains strong and unwavering.”
What Happens Next? Tom Garrett - November 8, 2017 Republicans’ best hope may be that Democrats draw the wrong conclusions from last night’s events.
Now What? Key Questions After The Virginia Blowout Ikiru - November 8, 2017 The mid-term backlash seemed like it would be mild at best – it was anything but.