Barbara Comstock Wins 87 Percent Of The Vote In Winchester’s Hob Nob Straw Poll

Last Friday’s Top of Virginia Regional Chamber’s annual “Hob Nob” political mixer hosted numerous local candidates in the upper Shenandoah Valley, as well as those running for the U.S. Senate and the area’s congressional seat. Held at Handley High School in downtown Winchester, 230 attendees participated in the event according to The Winchester Star, a sharp drop from 2017’s 300-strong crowd, presumably caused by the remnants of last week’s Hurricane Florence preparations.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to enjoy the democratic process in a relaxed atmosphere,” chamber Chairman Bill North said as he advised attendees to maintain decorum even if they did not agree with the political views of others.

Candidates vying for federal and state seats were invited to address the crowd from the stage of Handley’s Patsy Cline Theatre ahead of the event’s straw poll.

“I’m Barbara Comstock and, unlike my opponent, I’m here,” said the incumbent Republican who currently represents Virginia’s 10th Congressional District.

During her speech, Comstock gave a general overview of her voting record while she’s been in Congress, first being elected in 2014 after serving in the House of Delegates. She explained that she has advocated for solutions to the opioid epidemic – a big problem in the Shenandoah Valley – improvements to the Interstate 81 corridor, economic prosperity in the region, as well as bolstering veterans’ benefits.

“This is an agenda to embrace, not resist,” Comstock said.

Jabs were also thrown at her Democratic Challenger, State Senator Jennifer Wexton, who was not in attendance.

Wexton, however, sent a brief video to be shown to the crowd, but it was reported that it was more of a campaign ad than a personalized address to the Winchester community.

Following the presentations by the candidates, the annual Hob Nob straw poll was conducted. Votes could only be cast for the area where a participant resides.

In an outstanding victory, Comstock garnered 205 votes, to Wexton’s 29.

An email from Comstock’s campaign manager Susan Falconer said, “Barbara, Chip, and our campaign team would like to thank all of our supporters who turned out for us at [last week’s] Annual Hob Knob in the Valley. We would also like to thank everyone at the Top of Virginia Regional Chamber of Commerce for putting on a fantastic event.”

With 87 percent of the Hob Nob straw poll vote, Comstock’s campaign is full steam ahead as there are just eight weeks before the midterm election on Tuesday, November 6.