Progressive elves at the Department of Energy are working in lockstep with fringe environmentalists…
‘Twas the week before Christmas and all cross the states, the progressives were chanting a new set of regulations and rates – talking points to diminish your good Christmas cheer, by shaming your holiday lighting in the hopes you won’t shine them next year….”
While it’s not Dickens’, the point is being made – like your gas stove, Christmas lights are an environmental threat and have got to go.
That’s right, you people of faith – or just holiday spirit – no lights for you!
Recently, Biden Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm’s staff released findings indicating energy consumption during the time frame between Thanksgiving and January the following year increased significantly due to the use of holiday lights. Specifically, Americans consumed more than six terawatts of energy on Christmas lights during this time alone, roughly equal to a half-million homes average energy use for an entire year.
Indeed, the so-called Christmas light crisis is deeper than our citizens reckless disregard for energy consumption during this joyous time – NASA has even pointed out that holiday lights are a source of significant “light pollution” that can been seen from outer space. This pollution, according to NASA and NGOs, wreaks havoc on nocturnal animals and peoples sleep and behavioral patterns, causing significant “environmental damage” and to harm to “health.”
The interesting part of this new front on the War on Christmas is the sinister way these talking points are being discussed and distributed during a time of holiday celebrations in the United States as global crisis unfolds.
Hanukkah, the literal “Festival of Lights” celebrated by the Jewish faith; and Christmastime, celebrated by hundreds of millions of Christian peoples around the world; is a time for people to light up the darkness, to show new hope for a better tomorrow and recognize the holy traditions of the Judeo-Christian faithful to celebrate the birth of their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
With those of Jewish faith currently under everyday attack – and recent disturbances and cancellations due to threats of violence against Christian Christmas tree lighting celebrations by far-left pro-terrorist Marxist organizations; as well as elitist Ivy League student driven propaganda and protests advocating the destruction of the Jewish nation state of Israel – it’s clear the next target on the left’s agenda is to destroy Christmas.
That’s right: Destroy Christmas and for good, or at the least diminishing it to a “Hallmark Holiday” you may forget.
How? First by disrupting Christian celebrations to support Muslim-based terrorist organizations such as Hamas by way of shutting them down physically by violence and threat of violence as we saw in California, one of our largest, most populous state – with weak Governor Gavin Newsom not having an “in person ceremony” to “avoid violence” – caving to pro-terror anti-Christian groups; which of course, caters to his progressive Ivy League elite donor class.
These stop using Christmas lights talking points are appearing in high school and college newspapers; various environmental group newsletters and obviously being pushed by the Departments of Energy and NASA on behalf of the Administration to advance the agenda of tearing down a precious and dearly held tradition in our country – Christmastime.
And these talking points are the start of rules and regulations to make it more difficult to put up your lighting display outside or inside your home. Your tree, not only your lawn, fence and window lighting, will be subject to regulations – with fines of course! All meant to discourage the celebration of a most sacred time of year for tens of millions of American Christians.
Democrats have this down to an art form, creating ideas at an inception point – “Christmas lights are bad”; “Gas stoves are bad!” – that lead to regulations being created in the deep state to curb freedoms by unelected bureaucrats who follow a progressive agenda.
And if you think the Hallmark Holiday Christmas comment is a stretch – do you remember the last time you went to Church on Easter?
The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of The Republican Standard. Republished with permission from American Liberty News.