In a week filled with emotion and anger in Virginia politics, a move on part of Democrats led by Governor Ralph Northam (D) to loosen restrictions on late-term abortions – even up until a baby is coming out of a mother’s womb – has drawn ire from many Virginians and people across the country, including President Donald Trump.
At yesterday’s press conference held by the Virginia Democratic leadership, Governor Northam did little to clarify his comments made the day prior that led many to believe he was advocating for infanticide. Instead, he doubled down against Republicans, calling the video of Delegate Kathy Tran (D-Fairfax) presenting her bill in subcommittee, and his own comments on WTOP‘s “Ask The Governor” segment “misinformation.”
Nevertheless, it seems that the effects of the agenda against the unborn has drifted from the state capitol of Richmond, to small-town, rural Virginia.
On Friday morning, photos were circulating online of vandalism committed at The Pregnancy Centers of Central Virginia in Culpeper, Virginia.
On the sign near the front of the building, “YOU HATE WOMEN” was spray painted in red.
Near the side of the building, “FAKE” was spray painted in black over another sign.
At the front of the building, the center’s sign was painted over with red spray paint, with a red disappointed face below on the white brick wall.
On one of the outside walls of the center, “JESUS HATES THIS S***” was spray painted in red.
Culpeper Town Councilman Jon Russell said, “We are only a town of less than 20,000 people. We are not a big city we are not a college town. This has reached into rural America. This does not represent who we are in Culpeper.”
Although the bill that caused this week’s rancor was tabled in the General Assembly, when asked whether the Democratic Party had any intentions of bringing it back should they capture the majority in the November 2019 elections, House Minority Leader Eileen Filler-Corn (D-Fairfax) said at yesterday’s press conference in Richmond:
“There’s a lot of support for this type of legislation.”