late-term abortion

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At Least 6,500 Marched On State Capitol Against Democrat’s Late-Term Abortion Bill

As legislators convened in Richmond for the General Assembly’s one-day session to consider the governor’s vetos on Wednesday, thousands marched on the Capitol against the failed Democrat-led legislation that would have repealed any meaningful restrictions on late-term abortions. Capitol Police estimated that 6,500 were in attendance to protest the bill carried by Delegate Kathy Tran (D-Fairfax) and Governor Ralph Northam’s (D) subsequent “infanticide” comments.

The “Virginia March for Life,” the largest pro-life demonstration at the statehouse in recent memory, was organized by a partnership between The Family Foundation, Virginia Catholic Conference, the Virginia Society for Human Life, and the national March for Life.

As thousands stood outside the statehouse, a few dozen members of the House and Senate Republican caucuses made an appearance on the steps of the Capitol, with some giving a few, short remarks that were met with loud, complimentary roars from the crowd.

“There’s not a more important issue that I’ve deal with in my career in the legislature than life,” said House Speaker Kirk Cox, (R-Colonial Heights), who was welcomed with chants of “Thank you!”

Earlier in the day, Democrats held their own pro-abortion rally which featured Catholics for Choice, NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia, women who have proudly had abortions, and other abortion advocates. The meeting dubbed “Speak Out for Abortion Access” had just an estimated 60 people in attendance, showing a stark contrast compared to the thousands who came out to reject doing away with all protections for the unborn, even situations wherein an child born after a failed abortion attempt could face death.

“We believe that all people should have the ability to make our own personal reproductive health care decisions,” said Senate Jennifer Boysko (D-Fairfax), according to a report from the Richmond Times-Dispatch. “I promise you that I will stand up and fight every day as a proud pro-choice state senator…and I will not stop until all of your voices are heard and all of us have reproductive freedom.”

The nationwide backlash started after the “Repeal Act,” introduced as H.B. 2491 by Delegate Kathy Tran (D-Springfield), was set to repeal restrictions on third trimester abortions, allow abortion doctors to self-certify the necessity of late-term procedures, eliminate informed consent requirements, repeal abortion clinic health and safety standards, permit late-term abortions to be performed in outpatient clinics, remove ultrasound requirements, and eliminate Virginia’s 24-hour waiting period.

During her presentation of the bill in a House subcommittee, Delegate Tran said abortions would be carried out “through the third trimester.” She added that “the third trimester goes all the way up to forty weeks.”

Delegate Tran also clarified that abortion procedures would be allowed up until the end of a woman’s pregnancy.

“I don’t think we have a limit in the bill,” she added.

In response to a question from House Majority Leader Gilbert (R-Shenandoah), the subcommittee’s chairman, Delegate Tran also suggested that partial-birth abortions would be subject to the bill’s repeal of existing restrictions on the procedure.

“Where it’s obvious that a woman is about to give birth, that she has physical signs that she is about to give birth, would that still be a point at which she could request an abortion if she was so certified?” Gilbert asked.

“She’s dilating,” he continued. “I’m asking if your bill allows that.”

“My bill would allow that, yes,” Tran affirmed.

Comments surrounding the bill became far more menacing in the days following when Governor Northam, during an address on WTOP’s “Ask The Governor” segment, said the response to Tran’s bill was “blown out of proportion.”

Explaining a potential situation the bill would influence, he said the following:

“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

In the two months since the bill was presented, pro-life advocates across the nation have become outraged, and multiple marches and rallies have set their sights on Virginia. In his “State of the Union” address, President Donald Trump even slammed Northam’s comments, reiterating that he would work to ensure protections for the unborn.

“To defend the dignity of every person,” President Trump charged lawmakers, “I am asking Congress to pass legislation to prohibit the late-term abortion of children who can feel pain in the mother’s womb.”

Although the “infanticide bill” was not expected to pass during this year’s session, it represents a progressive policy vision embraced by the leaders of Virginia’s Democratic Party, including Governor Northam, Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax (D), and Attorney General Mark Herring (D). Democrats have also reiterated that the aforementioned bill would become a priority if they regain majority in the General Assembly – just over seven months away from the 2019 statewide elections.

McAuliffe Says He Now Supports Virginia’s Controversial Late-Term Abortion Bill

Former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe (D) has now flip-flopped his position on a highly controversial late-term abortion bill that was sponsored by a majority of Democrats during this year’s General Assembly session. McAuliffe called the legislation a “common sense bill” after distancing himself from it just one month ago.

H.B. 2491, introduced by Delegate Kathy Tran (D-Springfield), would repeal restrictions on third trimester abortions, allowing abortion doctors to self-certify the necessity of late-term procedures, eliminate informed consent requirements, repeal abortion clinic health and safety standards, permit late-term abortions to be performed in outpatient clinics, remove ultrasound requirements, and eliminate Virginia’s 24-hour waiting period.

During her presentation of the bill in a House subcommittee, Delegate Tran said third trimester abortions would face substantially fewer restrictions.

“How late in the third trimester could a physician perform an abortion if he indicated it would impair the mental health of the woman,” subcommittee Chairman Todd Gilbert (R-Shenandoah) asked.

“Through the third trimester,” Tran responded. “The third trimester goes all the way up to forty weeks.”

Delegate Tran also clarified that abortion procedures would be allowed up until the end of a woman’s pregnancy.

“I don’t think we have a limit in the bill,” she added.

In response to a question from House Majority Leader Gilbert, Tran also suggested that partial-birth abortions would be subject to the bill’s repeal of existing restrictions on the procedure.

“Where it’s obvious that a woman is about to give birth, that she has physical signs that she is about to give birth, would that still be a point at which she could request an abortion if she was so certified?” Gilbert asked.

“She’s dilating,” he continued. “I’m asking if your bill allows that.”

“My bill would allow that, yes,” Tran affirmed.

Upon further questioning, Delegate Tran explicitly addressed the hypothetical case of aborting a healthy infant, one week before the mother’s due date, on grounds of mental health.

“I certainly could have said a week from her due date and that would have been the same answer, correct?” Gilbert continued.

“That it’s allowed in the bill? Yes,” Tran said.

54 percent – a majority – of Democratic lawmakers sponsored Delegate Tran’s late-term abortion bill, in addition to Governor Northam, Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax (D), and Attorney General Mark Herring (D).

Just days after the bill garnered nationwide attention, McAuliffe appeared on CNN stating that he would “absolutely not” support it when asked by host Jake Tapper.

“Where we come from, it’s ‘life of the mother’ in the last trimester,” said McAuliffe.

“I do not support that legislation, nor does Ralph [Northam],” he continued, falsely stating that Governor Northam did not support Tran’s “Repeal Act.”

However, the former governor backtracked on his views during a Monday interview on the “John Fredericks Show.”

McAuliffe explained that the bill was not completely focused on expanding abortion access throughout an entire pregnancy, but rather that it sought to change the Virginia requirement stating that women must get the approval of three doctors before pursuing a late-term abortion.

“This is very important. This is when stuff gets caught up in the political grinder,” McAuliffe said in reference to the outrage that ensued after Delegate Tran presented the bill and Governor Northam supported it the following day, also alluding to the support of infanticide.

During a morning address on WTOP’s “Ask The Governor” after the controversial bill was presented, Northam commented on the situation by saying the widespread reaction to the bill was “blown out of proportion.”

“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” the governor responded when asked about the legislation. Upon further questioning, he described a potential scenario if the bill were to be passed by the state legislature.

“The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother,” Northam added, implying that the physician and mother would discuss whether the newly-born child should either live or die.

In his interview on the “John Fredericks Show,” McAuliffe doubled down in his support for the abortion bill, explaining that disputing bills like Delegate Tran’s will hurt the Commonwealth’s attractiveness to women in positions of power.

“Any time you get in these discussions, it’s not helpful,” he said, adding that “this was a common-sense bill.”


Richmond’s ‘Day Of Mourning’ To Show Solidarity Against Gov. Northam’s ‘Infanticide’ Comments

Over one month removed from Virginia Governor Ralph Northam‘s (D) highly controversial radio show comments regarding “infanticide,” a grassroots organization of pro-lifers is planning to voice their disgust and convene in the state capital of Richmond on April 6th for a “Day of Mourning.” Virginia pastors are also invited to join the event’s speakers to “repent for the church’s 46 years of silence and apathy.”

Governor Northam doubled down on his support for Delegate Kathy Tran’s (D-Fairfax) sweeping late-term abortion bill during the 2019 legislative session, just after a similar situation occurred in New York. Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) signed a bill into law to allow women to seek abortions after a fetus is 24 weeks old if the mother’s life or health is threatened by the pregnancy, also making it legal for women to have an abortion at any time if the fetus is not viable.

Following the development in New York, the spire atop New York City’s Freedom Tower, standing 1,776 feet above the ground, was lit bright pink in solidarity with the activists and lawmakers who helped push the monumental change.

The abortion bill supported by a majority of Virginia Democrats, however, goes even further. Delegate Tran, in her presentation to a House of Delegates subcommittee, was asked:

“Where it’s obvious that a woman is about to give birth, that she has physical signs that she is about to give birth, would that still be a point at which she could request an abortion if she was so certified?…She’s dilating, I’m asking if your bill allows that.”

Tran responded, “My bill would allow that, yes.”

The legislation, also known as the “Repeal Act,” would do away with restrictions on third trimester abortions, allowing abortion doctors to self-certify the necessity of late-term procedures, eliminate informed consent requirements, repeal abortion clinic health and safety standards, permit late-term abortions to be performed in outpatient clinics, remove ultrasound requirements, and eliminate Virginia’s 24-hour waiting period.

Days later, during an address on WTOP’s “Ask The Governor” segment, Northam commented on a situation that the bill would influence.

“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” he said. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

Conservatives across the Commonwealth and the nation at-large quickly condemned Northam’s rhetoric, charging that he “supports infanticide.” The governor’s comments even got a mention during President Donald Trump‘s “State of the Union” address in late January, with the commander in chief charging lawmakers “to pass legislation to prohibit the late-term abortion of children who can feel pain in the mother’s womb.”

According to the event’s Facebook page, pro-life advocates will meet at the Greater Richmond Convention Center in downtown at 403 North 3rd Street on Saturday, April 6, between 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., where they expect thousands to be in attendance to “stand in solidarity with the unborn and mourn over the sin of abortion.”

“We are calling for a National Day of Mourning and repentance,” the group’s organizer says on the page. “We are in desperate need for God to move upon the hearts of young and old in our nation. If our hearts do not break over the killing of these little image bearers of God in the womb, we are dead inside!”

Organizers are asking attendees to do three things:

  1. Wear black
  2. Fast and pray
  3. Repent for the sin of abortion

Some of the speakers set to appear at the event are: authors and entrepreneurs Jason and David Benham; the “Activist Mommy” Elizabeth Johnston; former statewide Republican candidate and Bishop E. W. Jackson; eight-year-old abortion survivor Blythe Mullen; and Dallas, Texas-based singer, songwriter, and worship leader Anna Byrd.

Three weeks ago, over 4,000 people attended the group’s event in Albany, New York, with 40,000 more watching via livestream.

Trump Condemns Northam’s Abortion Comments, Promises To Protect The Unborn

In last night’s State of the Union (SOTU) address, President Donald Trump took some time to speak about two instances in the U.S. where state legislatures have considered shocking measures in undo meaningful restrictions on late-term abortions. One example involving terminating the lives of the unborn sent emotionally-charged shockwaves through the Commonwealth of Virginia just last week.

“There could be no greater contrast to the beautiful image of a mother holding her infant child than the chilling displays our nation saw in recent days,” Trump said in his address to both houses of Congress and the American people. “Lawmakers in New York cheered with delight upon the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb moments before birth.”

The bill that passed though the New York state legislature allows women to seek abortions after a fetus is 24 weeks old if the mother’s life or health is threatened by the pregnancy, also making it legal for women to have an abortion at any time if the fetus is non-viable. Moreover, abortion is moved to be regulated under public health law, rather than criminal law, and allows licensed nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and licensed midwives to conduct abortions.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) hailed the passage of the legislation as a “giant step forward.”

Following the development, the spire atop New York’s Freedom Tower, standing 1,776 feet above the ground, was lit bright pink in solidarity with the activists and lawmakers who helped push the monumental change.

Speaking to the horrors the legislation will condone, President Trump stated, “These are living, feeling, beautiful babies who will never get the chance to share their love and dreams with the world.”

“And then,” the president continued, “we had the case of the governor of Virginia where he stated he would execute a baby after birth.”

The mention comes after Governor Ralph Northam (D) doubled down on his support for Democrats in their effort to pass a sweeping late-term abortion bill. Although the legislation was tabled in the 2019 General Assembly Session, it is a high priority for Virginia Democrats if they take back the majority in the legislature – just nine months away from the November elections.

H.B. 2491, introduced by Delegate Kathy Tran (D-Springfield), would repeal restrictions on third trimester abortions, allowing abortion doctors to self-certify the necessity of late-term procedures, eliminate informed consent requirements, repeal abortion clinic health and safety standards, permit late-term abortions to be performed in outpatient clinics, remove ultrasound requirements, and eliminate Virginia’s 24-hour waiting period.

During her presentation of the bill in a House subcommittee, Delegate Tran said third trimester abortions would face substantially fewer restrictions.

“How late in the third trimester could a physician perform an abortion if he indicated it would impair the mental health of the woman,” subcommittee chairman Todd Gilbert (R-Shenandoah) asked.

“Through the third trimester,” Tran responded. “The third trimester goes all the way up to forty weeks.”

Delegate Tran also clarified that abortion procedures would be allowed up until the end of a woman’s pregnancy.

“I don’t think we have a limit in the bill,” she added.

In response to a question from House Majority Leader Gilbert, Tran also suggested that partial-birth abortions would be subject to the bill’s repeal of existing restrictions on the procedure.

“Where it’s obvious that a woman is about to give birth, that she has physical signs that she is about to give birth, would that still be a point at which she could request an abortion if she was so certified?” Gilbert asked.

“She’s dilating,” he continued. “I’m asking if your bill allows that.”

“My bill would allow that, yes,” Tran affirmed.

Upon further questioning, Delegate Tran explicitly addressed the hypothetical case of aborting a healthy infant, one week before the mother’s due date, on grounds of mental health.

“I certainly could have said a week from her due date and that would have been the same answer, correct?” Gilbert continued.

“That it’s allowed in the bill? Yes,” Tran said.

54 percent – a majority – of Democratic lawmakers sponsored Delegate Tran’s late-term abortion bill, in addition to Governor Northam, Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax (D), and Attorney General Mark Herring (D).

Nevertheless, comments surrounding the bill became far more menacing in the days following when the political leader of the Commonwealth alluded to infanticide.

During a morning address on WTOP’s “Ask The Governor” segment, Governor Northam commented on the situation surrounding the response to Tran’s bill by saying the widespread reaction was “blown out of proportion.”

Explaining it himself, he said the following:

“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

“To defend the dignity of every person,” President Trump charged lawmakers, “I am asking Congress to pass legislation to prohibit the late-term abortion of children who can feel pain in the mother’s womb.”

Virginia Republicans have the full backing of pro-life President Trump in the effort of protecting life in the womb.

Mirroring what Speaker of the House of Delegates Kirk Cox (R-Colonial Heights) said in his rare, emotional speech rebutting the perturbing Democratic bill, promising “to fight for the promise of life, the president added in his SOTU address, “let us reaffirm a fundamental truth — all children — born and unborn— are made in the holy image of God.”

Northam Gaslights America as Democrats Pledge To Bring Infanticide Bill Back in 2020

“Misinformation has been circulating on where Virginia Democrats stand on issues related to women’s reproductive health,” said Governor Ralph Northam (D) at a Thursday afternoon press conference. The situation began Tuesday morning after shocking video was released from a House subcommittee meeting detailing a Democratic lawmaker speaking about her late-term abortion bill.

H.B. 2491, introduced by Delegate Kathy Tran (D-Springfield), would repeal restrictions on third trimester abortions, allowing abortion doctors to self-certify the necessity of late-term procedures, eliminate informed consent requirements, repeal abortion clinic health and safety standards, permit late-term abortions to be performed in outpatient clinics, remove ultrasound requirements, and eliminate Virginia’s 24-hour waiting period.

In the days since the development, pro-life advocates from across the country have spoken out against the legislation, including President Donald Trump.

“I’m surprised that he did that, I’ve met him a number of times,” Trump said of the governor. The commander in chief also said that Delegate Tran’s remarks were “terrible,” after having seen the video.

At the press conference this afternoon, beside members of the Virginia Democratic leadership, Governor Northam said that he was there “to set the record straight.”

“There’s a fundamental difference between us and Republicans in what we believe on a woman’s right to choose. We believe legislators, most of whom are men, should not be making decisions about women’s choices for their reproductive health.”

Northam added that the Virginia GOP is trying to “score points any way they can.”

“Virginia Democrats know we are better than that,” he added.

Attorney General Mark Herring (D) spoke next. He started off by saying that “desperation can be ugly. And what we saw yesterday from Republicans was desperate and ugly.” He stated that claims from GOP lawmakers that Governor Northam supports infanticide “would be laughable if it wasn’t such a grotesque idea.”

During a Wednesday morning address on WTOP’s “Ask The Governor” segment, Northam commented on the situation surrounding the response to Delegate Tran’s bill by saying the widespread reaction was “blown out of proportion.”

Explaining it himself, he said the following:

“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

Conservatives across the Commonwealth and the U.S. quickly condemned Northam’s rhetoric, charging that he “supports infanticide.”

During the press conference, when asked about what he said and if it had been taken out of context, he responded with, “I don’t have any regrets….I regret that those comments have been mischaracterized.”

Regardless, it spurred Republican lawmakers to give emotional speeches on the floor of the House the following day.

Speaker of the House Kirk Cox (R-Colonial Heights) made a rare and powerful speech after he stepped of the dais.

“I will never stop fighting for the promise of life as long as I hold a gavel, as long as I can speak into this microphone, as long as I have the privilege of this floor. I promise to fight for the promise of life,” he said.

Delegate Scott Garrett (R-Lynchburg) also gave a personal story.

“Mr. Speaker, I’m not going to let anyone take the life of my son, and I’m not going to vote to allow other people to take the lives of other people’s sons,” he proclaimed.

As Virginians continue to reel from this week’s developments, one comment from House Majority Leader Todd Gilbert (R-Shenandoah) rings very true.

“I think what my Democratic colleagues are most concerned about is what this moment actually revealed. It was a moment of unbridled honesty about their agenda, and their legislation, and what it actually does.”

Meanwhile, the RTD’s Graham Moomaw asked Democratic minority leader Del. Eileen Filler-Corn (D-Fairfax) whether they had any intentions of bringing the infanticide bill back should they capture the majority in the November 2019 elections:

When asked if Democrats would pursue legislation similar to Tran’s if they take control of the House next year, Filler-Corn said that “there’s a lot of support for this type of legislation.”

Short answer?  Yes they will… and if Governor Northam’s comments this afternoon are any indicator as to where Virginia Democrats intend campaign this year, it will be championing — not walking back — from this week’s exposition of how wrapped into the abortion industry the progressive left has become.