The Republican Standard
- May 10, 2022
362 views 3 min

An unknown perpetrator, or perpetrators, targeted the nerve center of a pro-life organization in Madison, Wisconsin early on Sunday morning. They attacked the building with a molotov cocktail and ignited a separate fire when it failed to explode. Before leaving, they spray-painted an ominous message on the side of the building. It read in part, “If […]

The Republican Standard
- March 9, 2019
343 views 3 min

Planned Parenthood is outraged not because of the potential loss of federal funding – they have gotten around that for years – but that the Trump Administration has drawn a clear distinction between family planning and abortion. 

The Republican Standard
- September 12, 2018
332 views 7 min

Even though Judge Brett Kavanaugh has provided the Senate Judiciary Committee with clear answers to their concerns surrounding his past rulings, even how he may rule in some cases, issues surrounding abortion rights and executive powers, it is not enough for Virginia Senator Mark Warner, who will vote “no” to confirm the D.C. Circuit Court judge to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- August 28, 2018
339 views 7 min

“Planned Parenthood ends the lives of 325,000 babies each year – that’s about 900 babies everyday,” Kentucky Senator Rand Paul said as he charged Republicans in the Senate to defund the abortion advocacy group.

The Republican Standard
- September 12, 2017
425 views 2 min

The dogma lives loudly in Ralph Northam… and by “dogma” we mean aborting babies.

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- August 7, 2017
332 views 4 min

The abortion industry is terrified that more women are choosing to keep their babies, and is frantic for people like Ralph Northam to keep them in business. 

The Republican Standard
- August 2, 2017
345 views 7 sec

Hard up for cash and hitting the panic button, Northam decides to lap up the blood money from Planned Parenthood — $3 million in fact.