The Republican Standard
- January 28, 2022
552 views 52 sec

Republicans in the House of Delegates have begun debating how to open the retail marijuana market, but there’s more than just talk emanating from Richmond. Lawmakers have introduced legislation intended to lower the tax rate on sales and dedicate some revenue to school construction. Virginia Mercury has more: But leadership in the chamber stressed that […]

The Republican Standard
- December 15, 2021
627 views 3 min

While liberals find themselves predictably triggered, Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin has earned widespread praise for announcing his plans to withdraw Virginia from a carbon pricing pact between our Commonwealth and 10 other states. The Competitive Enterprise Institute, in particular, heaped praise on the incoming governor: Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin announced his intention to withdraw the Commonwealth of […]

Donny Ferguson is the editor of DonnyFerguson.com. ...
The Republican Standard
- December 14, 2021
531 views 58 sec

An “extremely sophisticated” ransomware attack has crippled the IT agency serving the Virginia General Assembly and shuttered the computer systems for Virginia’s legislative agencies. The cyberattack has left officials in Richmond scrambling. Gov. Northam has directed executive branch agencies to assist the IT agency, officially known as the Division of Legislative Automated Systems (DLAS). Ransomware […]

Patrick Houck is an avid political aficionado based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. When not analyzing the latest news, yo ...
The Republican Standard
- December 3, 2021
650 views 20 sec

Democrats have failed to overturn one of the contested seats in the Virginia House of Delegates, making the Republican takeover of the state’s lower legislative chamber official. A three-judge panel in Virginia Beach confirmed the final tally between incumbent Alex Askew (D) and Karen Greenhalgh (R). Per WAVY: Greenhalgh was named the winner with a […]

Patrick Houck is an avid political aficionado based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. When not analyzing the latest news, yo ...
The Republican Standard
- December 1, 2021
451 views 15 min

Republican Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin has finally installed his transition team, and from the looks of it the list is a veritable who’s-who of Republican adults — a sign that Youngkin is going to prize stability over recklessness after eight long years of Democratic intransigence that has pushed Virginia to the utmost left of the political […]

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- November 22, 2021
549 views 2 min

A longtime Democratic state senator has officially shot down rumors that he’s planning to retire and join the Youngkin administration. John Edwards (D-Roanoke) put the kibosh on any speculation when asked if he’d head to Richmond come January, simply saying “No, absolutely not, I can’t imagine they’d want me.” (Cardinal News) Edwards, 78, has represented […]

The Republican Standard
- November 12, 2021
495 views 38 sec

Is Virginia’s recreational marijuana market about to go up in smoke? Since the legalization process isn’t complete, the Republican-controlled House and Democratic-led Senate will have to iron out the details. In the meantime, the victory by marijuana advocates has been muted somewhat. Cardinal News reports on where things go from here: But while some personal […]

The Republican Standard
- April 16, 2019
538 views 5 min

D.J. Jordan, the Republican candidate for the 31st House of Delegates District, will face Delegate Elizabeth Guzman (D-Dale City) at the ballot box in November.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- February 26, 2019
524 views 3 min

In the 12th hour of the 2019 legislative session in Richmond, lawmakers rejected a bill aimed at keeping drivers off their phones.

The Republican Standard
- February 26, 2019
536 views 4 min

The GOP addressed teacher shortages, bolstered work-based career and technical education, promoted energy-efficient school infrastructure, mitigated risks associated with student-athletes playing sports with concussions, and allowed school boards to begin the school year earlier.